Sexual Intercourse After Natural Birth


1-When can I have sexual intercourse after giving natural birth?

After both normal birth and C-section, the female body will need time to get back to its natural balance. This period after birth is also called lochia which is a period that will last for about 4 to 6 weeks. During the lochia period, the cervix will close. If there are any incisions or stitches, these will recover during this period as well. For this reason, it is not recommended for the female to have sexual intercourse before she has recovered completely.

The colour of the bleeding will lighten more and more each day and will continue in the form of vaginal discharge for a while after the birth. The reason for bleeding and discharge which is seen after birth is the healing of the tissue which the placenta has been separated from. Having sexual intercourse while the bleeding is continuing will drastically increase the risk of infection and discharge. It usually is not advised for the female to have sexual intercourse until the lochia period is over.

2-Will it be painful to have sexual intercourse?

The specialists generally do not recommend sexual intercourse for 1,5 months after birth. At the end of this period, the female will have a check-up and after, if there aren’t any complications that can occur then it will be safe to have sexual intercourse. After this period, sexual intercourse should not be painful in any way. If the female is experiencing pain during sexual intercourse, she should contact her doctor and go for another check-up as soon as possible. The specialist will then determine if there are other reasons which may cause pain.

The pain may be caused by an episiotomy or a tear inside the uterus.

On the other hand, feeling physically ready will not always mean that you are mentally ready. Both exhaustion and baby-related thoughts may cause sexual aversion. The prolactin hormone, which is responsible for breastfeeding can also reduce sexual desire. This may even be nature’s way of protecting the female from another pregnancy which will be too soon.

3-Will my muscles loosen around my vagina?

It will. Although the vagina is accepted to be a very flexible organ, the muscles will loosen after giving birth. However, this situation does not pose any problem for many women.

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