1) Why vaginal aesthetics?
The main purpose of sexual aesthetics, which has become very popular recently, is to eliminate the dissatisfaction that occurs as a result of permanent stretching in the vaginal area after normal birth and to make people feel better psychologically.
In some women, the congenital asymmetry of the labia minora (small lips) or their large surface area, referred to as "elephant ears", brings with it a number of psychological and functional problems.
Similarly, another negative situation that causes dissatisfaction, apart from the permanent stretching that occurs in the vaginal area after birth, is the "Episiotomy", that is, the incisions made during birth to allow the baby to come out. The scar tissue that forms after healing in this area can prevent both the woman and the man from sexual satisfaction and can turn the relationship into a painful suffering for the woman.
2) Who can undergo Labiaplasty?
This operation can be performed on all women who are concerned about genital aesthetics. It is sufficient to pass puberty for the labiaplasty operation. The hymen is approximately 3 cm to 4 cm inside the vaginal opening. The labiaplasty operation remains outside the vagina, therefore the labiaplasty operation does not harm the hymen and can be applied to virgins. At the same time, this operation can be easily performed on all women, whether they have given birth or not. This operation does not have an effect such as increasing or decreasing orgasm. All women who have undergone labiaplasty can become pregnant in the future and have a normal birth.
3) Post-labiaplasty period
There is not much pain after this surgery. There is no need for special care for the area where the surgery is performed. Keeping the genitals clean and dry is sufficient. Labiaplasty surgery is not included in the risky surgery group and the complication rate is quite low. The satisfaction rate is quite high with a permanent and definitive solution. After the labiaplasty surgery, the woman's self-confidence, sexual happiness and quality of life increase.
4) Vaginal tightening (Vaginoplasty)
All women want to look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and genital aesthetic surgeries are receiving more and more attention and interest every day in line with this desire of women.
5) Can vaginal tightening surgeries be performed on women who have not given birth before?
In order to increase sexual pleasure, vaginal tightening surgeries can be performed on women who have not given birth before and even on single women.
6) What should people pay attention to after vaginal tightening operations?
Recovery after vaginal tightening operations is extremely fast due to the good blood supply to this area. However, dressings should still be done regularly so that recovery can be smoother and faster. In addition, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for 1 to 1.5 months after the surgery.
7) Functional sexual aesthetic operations
The main purpose of functional surgeries is to repair the bladder and rectum that have sagged as a result of childbirth or lack of elasticity of the connective tissue, according to their normal anatomical positions and to clean the excess tissue in the vagina. As a result, problems such as urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction related to the expansion of the vagina are repaired.
8) Vaginal expansion operations
Recently, surgical methods have been used in the treatment of people who have dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse), especially in the early days of their marriage.
For this purpose, by detecting the areas that are sensitive to pain with a simple examination and removing this area with local anesthesia (regional numbing) and/or slightly widening the vaginal entrance, the problem of pain during sexual intercourse can be completely eliminated.
9) Tightening of the vagina (Vaginoplasty)
The vagina can expand as a result of aging, frequent sexual intercourse, normal birth/deliveries, and gynecological interventions such as abortion.
This expansion seen in the vagina is unfortunately permanent and this can cause various problems during sexual intercourse. Since the wide and elastic vagina cannot fully grasp the penis during intercourse, it can cause sexual dissatisfaction and, over time, sexual reluctance in both women and men.
In cases where the vagina has stretched, widened and lost its elasticity, the vagina can be narrowed with a simple surgical intervention and brought to a much better position both in terms of appearance (aesthetically) and functionality.
The surgery of narrowing and stitching the vagina is called "vaginoplasty" (vaginoplasty surgery, vaginoplasty).
10) G-Spot enlargement operations
G-spot enlargement operations, which have been performed for years by various centers in the USA and Europe, have recently been performed in our country as well.
G-spot enlargement surgery is also referred to as “G Spot Augmentation” or “G spot amplification”.
The G spot is an area where the "skene glands" are concentrated on the upper wall of the vagina, approximately 2 to 3 cm inside, in the lower region of the pelvic bone, and, like the clitoris in women, it also has functions related to orgasm and pleasure.
With a procedure that takes a few minutes under light anesthesia, this area can be expanded with fillers administered to the G-spot, increasing pleasure during sexual intercourse. Many women state that pleasure increases during sexual intercourse and they are able to have an orgasm in this way.
11) Other genital surgeries
Similarly, hymenoplasty (hymen repair) surgeries have recently become popular, especially in European countries, with the aim of restoring virginity through surgical operations.
In our country, in recent years, married women have been interested in hymenoplasty surgeries, especially on their “wedding anniversaries”, in order to surprise their husbands. The aim of these surgeries, which are performed under local anesthesia (by numbing), last around 3 to 5 minutes and have no risks, is to cause bleeding during the first intercourse, “mimicking the first night”.