Vaginal aesthetics is a highly successful aesthetic procedure that can be applied to women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their vagina and who have various problems in sexual intercourse.
Aesthetic procedures are mostly performed for aesthetic concerns. However, one of the main purposes of vaginal aesthetics is to eliminate sexual problems. Procedures applied for a better quality of sexual intercourse make patients feel more confident.

In what cases is vaginal aesthetics performed?
Vaginal width
Large and sagging inner lips
Aesthetic interventions performed on breasts and facial aesthetics can also be applied to the vagina. If the person is not satisfied with the appearance of the vagina and has sexual problems, it is not possible for sexual intercourse to progress healthily. For this reason, vaginal aesthetics can be applied.
Thanks to vaginal aesthetics, women become more self-confident, sexual intercourse progresses in a healthier way and anxiety decreases. For this reason, you should be honest with your doctor and yourself. With vaginal aesthetics, most of the problems you think you have can be successfully corrected.
Why is vaginal aesthetics performed?
It can be applied to women after giving birth due to the stretching or expansion that occurs in the vagina.
In some women, if the congenital asymmetry of the labia minora is different from each other, aesthetic surgery can be performed.
If the outer lips are quite large, surgery may be performed.
If there are problems in sexual intercourse due to difficult births and incisions made outside the vagina, cosmetic surgery can be performed.
If there is sagging in the last areas of the bladder and rectum before the anus, sexual function problems and urinary incontinence problems may occur. Therefore, uterine sagging may occur. Due to such problems, aesthetic surgery can be applied to the vagina.
Inner labia reduction surgery
The other name for this operation is Labiaplasty. Sagging in the inner lips causes aesthetic concerns in most women. For this reason, aesthetic interventions are applied to reduce the inner lips. The inner lips have a curved structure inside the vagina. Every woman's inner lips are different. While these inner lips sag in some women, they are not seen to sag in others. If the inner lips are too large, they overflow and cause an unpleasant appearance. Darkening of the inner lips can be seen in various periods and for various reasons. In this case, the problem can be solved with vaginal aesthetics.
What happens if the inner lips sag?
The size of the inner lips causes sagging and overflow. The lips being in different sizes from each other causes the vagina to remain moist. For this reason, vaginitis or abscesses in the Bartholin glands may occur and various problems may occur.
In some cases, sexual intercourse can be difficult due to large inner lips. This causes pain during sexual intercourse. Having normal-sized inner lips is important for vaginal hygiene. However, larger than normal inner lips invite bacteria, which can lead to problems such as infection.
Having large inner lips causes painful sexual intercourse, restrictions in the clothes worn, and hygiene problems. However, this problem can be corrected with inner lip surgery.
Why does the appearance of the inner lips change?
Hormonal changes that occur after puberty in women can cause sagging, growth and folds in the inner lips of some women. In addition, chronic infections can also cause the structure and color of the inner lips to change.
Who can undergo Labiaplasty?
Any woman who is not happy with the appearance of her vagina, who is an adult and who does not have any psychological obstacles can have this surgery. It can also be applied to women who are virgins. The hymen is 3-4 cm inside the vagina. Therefore, it does not suffer any damage. This surgery does not prevent pregnancy or childbirth.
How is inner lip reduction surgery performed?
Inner labia reduction operations are completed in an average of 30-40 minutes. The period after the menstrual period is generally considered appropriate for the operation. It is performed under local or light general anesthesia in hospital conditions. There is no surgical scar after the operation. The patient rests for a week. Then, they can return to their daily and business life. It is necessary to wait about 1 month for sexual intercourse.
Vaginal tightening operations
Another name for this surgery is Vaginoplasty, and it is mostly performed to correct sexual problems. Sexual pleasure problems can be corrected through vaginal tightening operations. Vaginal tightening operations are operations that are completed in 30 minutes to 1 hour and are performed under local or general anesthesia.
What are the advantages of vaginal tightening surgery?
Vaginal aesthetics corrects the appearance and shape of the vagina. In this way, the woman's self-confidence is restored.
The functions of the relaxed vaginal muscles are restored.
The tension, resistance and tone in the vaginal canal are increased.
The tension created in the vaginal canal helps increase sexual pleasure in men and women.
Why does the vagina expand?
Vaginal tears that may occur during normal birth, problems that occur in the vaginal structure during the healing phase of episiotomy can lead to vaginal widening. In addition, the vagina can also become wide due to advancing age and congenital reasons. With vaginal aesthetics, almost all vaginal widening and deformities can be repaired.