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Before and After Vaginal Aesthetics

With the increase in socioeconomic level and advances in technology in medicine as well as in every field, problems related to surgery and the aftermath have decreased. In this way, aesthetic surgeries have become a part of our lives today. Vaginal aesthetic surgeries are also among the most commonly performed surgeries. Vaginal aesthetic surgeries are generally performed to remove tears or unwanted scars at the entrance of the vagina after birth and to narrow the expanded vagina. Apart from this, after various births, the bladder, which is close to the front wall of the vagina, sags and urinary incontinence problems occur due to this problem. The last section of the large intestine located behind the vagina sags towards the vagina and in this case, problems such as constipation occur. All these problems lead to sexual dysfunction and psychological problems. Women who are not satisfied with their sexual organs and think that they are deficient in terms of function can correct this situation with vaginal aesthetics.

Vaginal aesthetics is also becoming increasingly popular among women who do not have such functional problems at the entrance to the vagina and in the vagina, but are dissatisfied with the external appearance of their genital organs. For all these reasons, vaginal aesthetics has found a leading place in gynecological surgery.

Plastic surgeries on female genital organs are performed for two purposes: functional and aesthetic.

Functional operations:

Due to birth, the front wall or back wall of the vagina or both expand. Sometimes it can come out of the vagina. Apart from this, some patients do not experience sagging in the vagina after normal birth, but it can expand. For this reason, both partners can be unhappy sexually. In some women, the vagina may have a wide structure due to birth. In this case, various problems may occur during sexual intercourse.

The width of the vagina varies from person to person. In most cases, it is wide enough to accommodate two fingers in a woman who has never given birth. The folds on the back and front walls of the vagina increase the rate of expansion. The length of the vagina is approximately 8 cm. The vagina can expand up to 15-16 cm during the arousal phase due to the transverse folds.

Conditions that cause the vagina to expand:

  • The number of births is high,

  • Difficult births,

  • Tears occur during birth and are not stitched with the appropriate method,

  • Opening of the stitches after birth,

  • Loss of elasticity in the vagina occurs with increasing age,

  • Giving birth to a large baby,

  • Congenital vaginal size.

In these expansions, the patient should be investigated very well. Treatment should be planned based on the reason that caused this expansion. In mild cases, physical therapy methods can be used. Some of these methods are; Kegel exercises, electrical stimulation, magnetic chair.

Women who have excessive dilation and who will not benefit from mild treatments should undergo surgery. This dilation of the vagina can lead to the following conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Gas and fecal incontinence

  • Bladder and uterus prolapse

  • Sounds in the vagina during sexual intercourse or while walking

If one or more of these problems are present, various methods can be used together in the same session. In this way, the existing problems are eliminated.

Problems that existed before the surgery are resolved after the surgery.

Local anesthesia is used in some of these surgeries. The woman does not need to stay in the hospital after the surgery. These surgeries are very important surgeries. For this reason, the doctor and the hospital should be researched and chosen well.

It is very important that the physician is knowledgeable and experienced in this regard, especially in pelvic floor and vaginal surgery.

At this point, it should not be forgotten that the first surgery is the most important surgery. In the second or third surgeries, expectations of success rate decrease. For this reason, the doctor and hospital should be chosen very carefully at first.

Before and after plastic surgery

Aesthetic surgeries are mostly performed with local anesthesia and are completed in 30-50 minutes.

  • Correction of scar tissue and birthmark:

In the torn parts that were cut during the birth and stitched or not, scar tissue or scars remain. In this case, the vaginal appearance is not the same as before and pain and other problems occur during sexual intercourse. These tissues are removed with a small surgical intervention, and the vaginal entrance is returned to its former form using stitches so that there is no scar or reaction. In this way, the vagina can be returned to its former form.

  • Clitoropexy:

The skin on the clitoris can hide it. For this reason, women have orgasm problems. In this problem, the skin is removed surgically. In this way, the clitoris is revealed. In this way, the sexual problems experienced by the woman before the surgery are eliminated after the surgery.

  • Labiaplasty:

One of the most common conditions encountered in women is that the inner lips are too large. Women with too large inner lips have difficulty wearing clothes.

Apart from this, pain may be felt while riding a bicycle or horse. Hygienic problems related to urination and menstruation occur. Normally, the main function of the inner lips is to close the vagina. Foreign objects and microorganisms are prevented from entering. In this way, the necessary lubrication is provided during sexual intercourse. In some women, the inner lips that hang at the entrance to the vagina cause an unpleasant appearance.

In this operation, which is quite practical, excess tissues are corrected in a way that they are not functionally damaged. There is no scar in this operation. In this way, this situation, which is psychologically and functionally impaired and causes sexual negativities before the operation, is corrected after the operation.

  • Fat injection to the pubis or labia majora:

In some women, due to excessive thinness or aging, the fatty tissue of the outer lips of the vagina may weaken. In this case, it is located between the two groins and in the hairy area above the vagina called mons pubis. Similarly, the outer lips may become thinner due to different factors. In such problems, some fatty tissue is obtained from different areas of the patient. By injecting into the relevant areas, the external appearance is aesthetically pleasing.


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