What is premature ovarian failure?
Premature ovarian failure, or primary ovarian failure, is one of the causes of infertility that occurs when the storage and release of the ovaries stops at an early age. Premature ovarian failure may develop in the teenage years or may have occurred after birth.
A woman with premature ovarian failure may have irregular or absent periods. She is likely to experience infertility problems and menopause-like symptoms. Pregnancy is difficult for women with premature ovarian failure, but it is not impossible.
What causes premature ovarian failure?
The exact factor that causes premature ovarian failure is unknown. In some women, genetic factors or a problem with the body's immune system may play a role. When the immune system is impaired, the body can attack its own tissues. In such a case, ovarian cells may be one of these tissues.
Premature ovarian failure may occur after hysterectomy, radiation therapy, pelvic surgery, or chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
What are the symptoms of premature ovarian failure?
The symptoms of premature ovarian failure are similar to those of menopause. Menstrual periods may be irregular or may stop altogether. You may also experience some or all of the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, vaginal dryness, low sexual desire, or insomnia.
How is premature ovarian failure diagnosed?
If your periods become irregular or stop altogether, your doctor will do a physical exam and ask about your general health and any signs of primary ovarian insufficiency.
Blood tests may be ordered to rule out other possible causes of irregular periods. You may also need to take a pregnancy test.
To check for possible ovarian failure, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in your blood will be checked. FSH is the hormone that signals your body to release an egg each month. If the amount of FSH in your blood is higher than normal on more than one day, you may have premature ovarian failure. Another blood test may be done to measure the amount of estradiol (or estrogen) in your blood. Having high FSH but very low estrogen is a key sign of primary ovarian failure. Most women find out they have primary ovarian failure when they see a doctor because they are having trouble conceiving.
How is it treated?
Treatment for premature ovarian failure will help you manage your symptoms. But there is currently no treatment to help your ovaries start working properly again. Your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy or other medications to help with hot flashes. Hormone therapy may also help prevent early bone loss in women with this condition. You and your doctor should decide which treatment is right for you.
Some women with premature ovarian failure can become pregnant using donor eggs and in vitro fertilization (IVF).