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How Long Should the Time Between Two Births Be?

Mothers and fathers want their children to have a sibling. However, questions such as whether they have the financial and spiritual means to look after a second baby and child, and whether the patience and compassion of the first child can be shown to the second child always confuse people. However, the question of when the expectant mother will be ready for a second pregnancy and how long after the previous birth is also very important. Because pregnancy tires and wears out the expectant mother's body and changes hormonal balances. In this context, it is important for the expectant mother to be ready for pregnancy and birth both psychologically and physiologically. Research on this subject indicates that the period between two births should be at least 2 years. The two-year period mentioned here is the period from the day the previous birth took place to the day the next pregnancy was conceived. If this period is longer than 5 years, the pregnancy can be considered risky. Especially getting pregnant 6 months after the previous birth poses a danger for both the expectant mother and the baby.

How long should someone wait between births?

According to the World Health Organization, the period between two births being less than two years increases the risks in pregnancy. However, as in all health-related situations and conditions, the health conditions of the mother-to-be and the pregnancy are important in this regard. The general opinion on this issue is that women under the age of 35 who have only one child should wait at least two years for a second pregnancy . It is also considered sufficient for women over the age of 35 to wait 1 year. The reason why the waiting period is halved for those over the age of 35 is that women gradually lose their reproductive capacity with increasing age. Because it is very difficult for women to get pregnant naturally after the age of 40. It is beneficial not to spend this period waiting.

What are the harms of having a short period between pregnancies?

If a mother becomes pregnant for the second time less than 1-2 years after giving birth, problems may occur because her body's functioning, metabolism and hormones have not yet returned to normal. The most common of these problems is that the mother experiences anemia. In addition, if a mother becomes pregnant for the second time without waiting long enough, the risk of miscarriage and the possibility of structural anomalies increases, and in such pregnancies, the baby is usually born with a much lower weight than normal. In addition, a shorter than necessary interval between pregnancies can cause autism and even stillbirth. In addition to all this, since the milk of a mother who becomes pregnant again shortly after giving birth will dry up and breastfeeding is not recommended during pregnancy, the baby will not receive enough breast milk.

How long after a miscarriage can a woman become pregnant again?

A woman may miscarry her baby due to various illnesses or abnormal conditions during pregnancy. In this case, it takes a certain amount of time for the body, which is ready for pregnancy and has been in a state of pregnancy for a while, to perceive and adapt to the fact that the baby has been miscarried before the pregnancy is complete. In this context, the body of the expectant mother enters a different and difficult process to accept this situation in miscarriages. It is also known that unprotected sexual intercourse should not be had for at least 6 months after the miscarriage, and that the body needs at least 6 months to rest and return to normal.

Is there a difference in the waiting time between a cesarean section and a normal birth?

There is no difference in the minimum time to wait between two births. It is recommended to wait 2 years between two births for both cesarean and normal births. The stitches of the cuts in cesarean births, and especially the deformations of the uterus and vagina in normal births can easily heal within the two-year waiting period. If there are no other problems or conditions that require postponing the pregnancy, it is possible to have a comfortable and healthy second pregnancy after 2 years.

What is the maximum number of years between pregnancies?

While it is recommended that the time between two pregnancies should not be less than 2 years, it is also emphasized that it should not be more than 5 years. Just as research on this subject considers it dangerous to get pregnant again in less than two years, it also considers it risky for the time between two pregnancies to be more than 5 years.

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