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36th Week of Pregnancy

What are the changes in the baby in the 36th week of pregnancy?

Your baby could already make hand and arm movements and could be easily seen on ultrasound. However, this week your baby's fat is increasing a little more and therefore, a little more growth and even joints are starting to appear in his hands and arms.

What is the Baby's Height and Weight in the 36th Week of Pregnancy?

As the birth gets closer, your baby is growing in your belly and is impatient to come out. This week, your baby's length will be approximately 46 cm and his weight will reach around 2700 grams.

What Does Your Baby's Ultrasound Look Like in the 36th Week of Pregnancy?

As we said before, the baby has gained a little more fat this week. There has been a shrinkage in the mother's womb because we can see the baby has moved down a little. We can also see folds in the baby's hands, arms, neck and legs as the baby gains fat.

What are the changes seen in the expectant mother in the 36th week of pregnancy?

The mother-to-be is one step closer to giving birth this week, and in order for the mother to feel more comfortable, visiting the hospital and room where the birth will take place more frequently will help her relax. In addition, starting this week, the mother's birth checks will become weekly anyway. Spending time in the hospital and delivery room when she comes for check-ups will be positive for her. Up until now, the mother's belly was more upright and up, and in addition, it was painful, which would bother the mother a little. But after this week, the pain in the expectant mother's ribs will decrease a little more, and the belly will hang down a little.

Advice for Fathers-to-Be in the 36th Week of Pregnancy

You knew that the mother is more sensitive and emotional after a certain period of pregnancy and needs a little more attention due to the increase in her emotionality due to the change in her hormonal balance. This sensitivity of the mother will continue until the birth and you need to be with her during this stage. She will never be happy with the weight she has gained due to pregnancy and this will affect her negatively. You will need to make her feel that this situation is not as difficult as she thinks and that it is beautiful. Since her pain increases, you will need to help her with tasks that require physical strength.

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