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29th Week of Pregnancy

What are the changes in the baby in the 29th week of pregnancy?

During this period, the baby starts to gain weight very quickly. Now, even the slightest movement of the baby will be easily felt by the mother. In fact, many of its movements can be perceived as kicks. The lungs are now continuing to develop. At the same time, the muscle structure is also maturing. Therefore, it is very important for the mother to consume plenty of calcium during these weeks. It is beneficial for the baby to consume plenty of vitamin and protein-containing foods for the muscle and bone structure. In addition, the baby's immune system begins to form during this week.

What is the baby's height and weight in the 29th week of pregnancy?

The average length of the baby in the 29th week is around 39 cm. Also, the weight is approximately 1250 grams. In this week, the baby is now large enough to be born.

What does the ultrasound image of the baby look like in the 29th week of pregnancy?

This week, the baby can hear what is happening around him quite well and respond accordingly. He continues to open and close his eyes. He is also used to the light in the womb.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 29th week of pregnancy?

Some women do not have much difficulty in the last stages of pregnancy due to their large inner abdomen. However, some women may not be so lucky. While it is normal to gain about 5 kilos by this week, some women experience severe back pain, cramps in their legs and loss of balance when they reach this week with a weight above this weight. The expectant mother's blood pressure should be measured regularly. During these periods, the expectant mother's appetite may increase. Since excessive food consumption will also strain the stomach, heartburn may occur. This period also brings with it an increase in pregnancy hormones. In this case, the mother may experience constipation. You can prevent constipation by consuming plenty of fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of water and doing light movements and walking. If constipation is not prevented, hemorrhoids may occur. The mother's breasts now begin to become very sensitive. Because milk production has started.

Advice for fathers-to-be in the 29th week of pregnancy

The mother-to-be is becoming more sensitive in the last weeks. She can be offended and hurt by the smallest thing. She needs a lot of attention. Her husband and people around her should make her feel that she is not alone. Her morale should always be kept high. The mother's morale directly affects the baby's mental health.

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