Birth control pills are a very safe and common birth control method used to protect against unwanted pregnancies. Birth control pills should not be used outside of a doctor's supervision and a person's suitability for birth control pills should be decided. If it has been decided that you are suitable for birth control pills, the pills should be taken on the first day of your period. It is very important to take them at the same time every day.
Birth control pills containing 21 tablets:
Birth control pills usually come in boxes of 21 tablets. The first box is started on the first day of the period. Taking it at the same time every day is important for increased protection. After completing 21 tablets, a 7-day break is required. The woman is expected to have her period within this week. Even if her period does not start, a one-week break is required after 21 days. On the 8th day, a new box should be started.
When birth control pills are first used, they should be used on the first day of the period. In this way, their effect will continue after the period ends and will provide protection against pregnancy. However, if birth control pills are not started on the first day of the period, it would be healthier to resort to additional protection methods such as condoms.
Birth control pills containing 28 tablets:
Various birth control pills consist of 28 tablets. The differences in the number of tablets are not related to the protective effect of birth control pills. The last 7 tablets of 28-tablet birth control pills do not contain hormones. In other words, the last 7 pills in the box are actually empty and only contain iron pills. The first 21 pills contain hormones, as in the 21-tablet birth control pill. The first pill should again be taken on the first day of the period. The last 7 pills do not contain any hormones, so they already create the impression that they have not been taken.
In what order should birth control pills be taken?
The effect of all pills in birth control pills is the same. Each pill contains the same amount of hormone. Therefore, the pills can be taken without any order. However, it is important to follow the order as the arrows and days indicate that the pills are taken regularly.
Important note:
If you are using a 28-tablet birth control pill, you should know that the last 7 tablets are empty. For this reason, it is very important to use them in the correct order.