Nausea and Vomiting: Starts in the early hours of the day. Occurs in the 6th week of pregnancy and disappears spontaneously after 6-12 weeks. In cases of excessive nausea and vomiting, multiple pregnancy, goiter or molar pregnancy should be considered. The cause of this nausea and vomiting is the pregnancy hormone called hCG, which rises rapidly.
Urinary disorders: In the first trimester, the growing uterus (womb) puts pressure on the bladder, causing the need to urinate frequently. These complaints disappear as the pregnancy progresses, but reoccur towards the end of pregnancy.
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Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation): A delay of at least 10 days should be sought for a reliable finding regarding pregnancy.
Breast changes:
Mastodynia (pain and tenderness in the breast): Occurs as a result of exposure of the breast tissue to hormonal stimulation.
The glands around the nipple grow in the 6th-8th weeks of pregnancy due to hormonal stimulation.
Milk discharge from the nipple: It can start from the 16th week of pregnancy.
Secondary breasts: May become apparent at the nipple line.
Color change in the vaginal (chamber) wall: Occurs due to increased blood flow in the vagina. The vaginal wall becomes dark blue or pink-red. (Chatwick sign).
Skin changes:
Chloasma: It is expressed as the mask of pregnancy. These are changes due to increased pigmentation on the face that become apparent after the 16th week of pregnancy.
Linea Nigra: It is a darkening of the skin observed in a linear pattern in the lower middle part of the abdomen. It occurs due to the increase in the effect of melanin stimulating hormone.
Striae Gravidarum (Pregnancy lines): These are lines that appear on the skin due to the destruction of collagen, which provides the structural condition of the skin during pregnancy.
Spider Telangiectasia: These are red spider web-shaped formations on the skin. They are caused by increased vascularity on the skin surface due to high amounts of estrogen during pregnancy.
Abdominal growth: In the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus is just above the symphysis pubis, a bony structure in the lowest part of the anterior abdominal wall. In the following weeks, it continues to rise as the uterus grows, reaching the level of the navel in the 20th week of pregnancy.
Changes in the uterus: During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the anterior-posterior diameter of the uterus increases and reaches approximately 8 cm. Later, general growth of the uterus is observed.
Braxton Hicks contractions: These are irregular contractions that start after the 28th week of pregnancy and tend to occur mostly at night.