Sexually transmitted diseases are more effective for women. Most of the patients can be treated in the early stages. Unfortunately, some diseases have no treatment. For this reason, they can be fatal. Therefore, it is recommended to use condoms during sexual intercourse.
What are sexually transmitted diseases?
The disease, which causes frequent urination and discharge in men, manifests itself in women as irregular menstruation, frequent need to go to the toilet and burning sensation in urine. It is the most common sexually transmitted disease. It causes intra-abdominal inflammation, infertility and abscesses in the reproductive organs. There is a risk of transmission to the baby during pregnancy. It can cause problems such as blindness and pneumonia in the baby. Symptoms appear 3 weeks after the disease is transmitted. It can be treated.
One of the sexually transmitted diseases is syphilis. Syphilis is a problem that affects the whole body. Early diagnosis provides treatment. However, it can also be transmitted to the baby in case of pregnancy. It manifests itself with swollen and painless sores on the body. If left untreated, the nervous system can be damaged. It can cause problems such as blindness or infertility.
Chancroid (Soft Boil):
This disease manifests itself with wounds in the reproductive organs. Swellings occur in the groin close to the wound. Treatment is quite easy.
This disease manifests itself in women with yellow foamy discharge. For men, there is a burning sensation and discharge during urination. It causes inflammation in women's abdomen. If left untreated, infertility and abscesses in the reproductive organs occur. It is a risky disease for pregnant women. It can cause miscarriages or stillbirths. Treatment is essential.
In women, it manifests itself with green and foul-smelling discharge. Since it causes inflammation in the tubes, it can cause infertility if left untreated. It is a treatable problem.
Herpes (Genital herpes):
Itching and painful pimples like herpes occur in the reproductive organs. These turn into painful wounds. It is possible to heal but it can recur. It is difficult to treat. It can cause various problems in the urinary tract. It can be passed on to the baby during birth.
Genital warts and skin bumps:
Warts are non-painful lumps of flesh that appear on the external reproductive organs, the cervix, the anus and the outer parts of the urinary tract. They can be treated but are difficult. If left untreated, adjacent tissues may be damaged. They can be passed on to the baby during birth. Warts may appear in the baby's respiratory tract.
Hepatitis B:
Hepatitis B can also be transmitted through sexual intercourse. It can manifest itself with symptoms such as liver enlargement and tenderness, darkening of urine color, jaundice, fever, and vomiting. It can be treated with vaccination. It can lead to liver inflammation, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death. It is difficult to treat definitively. For this reason, resistance-increasing treatments are used to try to alleviate the damage caused by the disease.
It is one of the most dangerous sexually transmitted viruses. It is transmitted through blood carrying HIV or in cases of contact with blood. If the mother is pregnant, it can pass to the baby. HIV is detected with a test called ELISA 3 months after it has been transmitted to the body. Sometimes the HIV virus does not cause any disease, but it can be transmitted to other people.
The disease caused by the HIV virus is called AIDS. There is no cure for AIDS. It disrupts the body's defense system and affects the entire body. It leaves the body weak against various diseases. HIV usually appears 5-10 years after entering the body. The symptoms of the disease are: weakness, long-term fever, weight loss, sweating and non-healing wounds. The patient's life span is extended with treatments that strengthen the body. HIV is not transmitted from toilet bowls or forks and knives. It must be transmitted through blood contact.
The HIV virus is not transmitted to a person through saliva, tears, sweat, sneezing, coughing, urine or feces. HIV is transmitted through sexual contact.
Sexually transmitted diseases require partner treatment.
Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases for men:
Frequent urination and burning and pain while urinating
Post-urination or continuous discharge from the penis
Painful ulcers on the surface of the penis and palpable masses in the groin
Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases for women:
Difficulty urinating, pain and burning, frequent urination
Dark and foul-smelling discharge from the chamber
In men and women:
Pain and bad odor during sexual intercourse
Stillbirth Stories
Warts on genitals
Painful cold sores on the genitals
Abscesses in the anus or perineum area
For this reason, couples should have regular gynecological and urological examinations, and it is important for women to have a pap smear test every six months. Vaccination against the hepatitis B virus is important. Dark-colored discharge or difficulty urinating are symptoms of the disease for both sexes. It is important to take the necessary precautions without losing precautions.
White and itchy discharge or just itching indicates fungal diseases. Sexual diseases increase with polygamy. For this reason, it is vital to use condoms for every sexual intercourse, and if protection is not desired, to have all screening tests for sexual diseases and then have intercourse.