Family planning is to ensure that couples have as many children as they can afford to care for at a time that suits them. In addition, family planning helps with unwanted pregnancies, arrangements between births, and having children at the most suitable time in social and economic conditions. The best family planning is achieved through birth control methods .
Family planning has a number of benefits for both the child and the mother. The benefits for the mother are as follows;
The interval between two pregnancies can be determined freely.
In underdeveloped and developing countries, maternal deaths due to pregnancy or miscarriage are prevented.
Early detection of risky pregnancies is provided.
In addition, the benefits of family planning and birth control methods on society are as follows;
Controlled population growth is ensured.
By preventing rapid population growth, social, urbanization-related and economic problems are prevented.
There are many methods used in society regarding birth control that do not provide complete control. These methods, which are considered birth control methods and have high risk factors, are not correct in terms of birth control. The methods that are frequently used in society but are wrong or do not provide complete birth control are as follows;
Withdrawal Method: This method is among the most commonly used methods in society. However, it is a method with a success rate of 15% at best. Therefore, it does not provide complete protection.
It cannot be said that the calendar method provides complete protection for intercourses that take place before the specific day of menstruation. Because it is a method with a high risk of pregnancy since the eggs that are already in the uterus have not yet been expelled from the body.
Cleaning the vagina by washing after unprotected intercourse is not considered a birth control method .
The success rate of the birth control methods listed above is quite low. Therefore, the most suitable birth control methods recommended by family planning specialists and doctors are as follows; birth control pills, condom use, morning after pills, IUDs, sterilization, etc. are recommended in terms of birth control. If we were to examine these methods one by one, the first heading would be as follows;
1) Birth Control Pill
It is the most widely used birth control method that prevents pregnancy by controlling hormones. With the use of birth control pills, estrogen and progesterone hormones suppress ovulation and thus pregnancy is prevented. Birth control pills generally consist of tablets containing 21 pills. It should be used one every day and when a tablet is finished, the medication should be paused for 7 days, which is the time when menstrual bleeding occurs. The effect of protecting against pregnancy is low during the first use, so additional protection methods should be applied. However, it prevents the risk of pregnancy as long as it is used regularly.
Birth control pills also have positive aspects for the body such as;
It reduces bleeding during menstruation and prevents iron deficiency.
It ensures regular menstruation.
It reduces premenstrual pain, stress and other complaints.
It plays a factor in reducing the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer.
It prevents ectopic pregnancy.
It prevents osteoporosis and related diseases.
It reduces the risk of infection in and around the uterus.
There has been a problem with the side effects of birth control pills. It has been determined that only those who use the pill experience blood clots in their veins. Due to this effect, birth control pills are definitely not recommended for those who:
Those who have vascular occlusion or have had the disease
Those who have had any disease related to cerebral vessels
Those who have cardiovascular disease or have had one of these diseases
Women with suspected breast cancer or those who have had it before
Women with a potential for pregnancy
Those who have a liver tumor or other disease or have had one in the past
Women with unexplained vaginal bleeding
Finally, it is definitely not recommended for women aged 35 and over who smoke close to a pack a day to use birth control pills, one of the most commonly used birth control methods .
2) Morning After Pills
It is among the hormone regulating methods and is not generally included in birth control methods . It is used after unprotected sexual intercourse or to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It is recommended to use it within 72 hours after intercourse. Side effects are as follows;
Nausea and vomiting
Tenderness in and around the breast
3) Monthly or Quarterly Injections
These injections, which contain progesterone, are among the birth control methods and are recommended to be used regularly. They may cause irregular bleeding in the first months.
4) Subcutaneous Implants
With this method, progesterone-containing preparations are placed under the skin on the arm. It has been seen to prevent pregnancy for about 5 years. It is the most comfortable method of birth control . When the implants are placed, no other procedure is required until the end of the period of use. The side effects are as follows;
Water accumulation in the body
Tenderness in and around the breast
Weight gain situation
Irregularity in menstrual bleeding
This method, which has a very high success rate, is also very easy to use among birth control methods .
5) Insertion of a Spiral into the Uterus
It is one of the most preferred birth control methods in the world. Its most advantageous aspect is that it prevents pregnancy temporarily and is effective for a long time. There are three types of IUDs;
Additive-Free Intrauterine Device (Spiral)
Copper Intrauterine Device
Hormonal Intrauterine Device
The use of copper-containing IUDs is quite common in Turkey. The most suitable period for this method is the period when the cervix is dilated and menstrual bleeding occurs because the risk of pregnancy is very low . It is effective and does not have any disturbing side effects.
It is not possible to use the intrauterine device method if one of the following conditions exists:
If the pregnancy process has started,
Ectopic pregnancy,
Having an advanced infection in the uterus,
Having cancer in the uterus or genital area or a history of cancer in this area,
Having vaginal diseases or bleeding of unknown diagnosis,
Acute or subacute tube infection.
6) Sterilization Application in Women or Men
The most important difference between this method and other birth control methods is that it has a permanent effect on both men and women after sterilization. In other words, reproduction is permanently eliminated by surgical methods.
This method is especially recommended for women who are not fit to give birth due to health reasons or other reasons. The surgical methods that can be applied are as follows;
Pregnancy is permanently prevented by laparoscopy, which is a closed surgery, and burning of the intrauterine tubes.
Pregnancy is prevented by ligating the tubes using laparotomy, which is an open surgery method.
Hysterectomy is also used to prevent pregnancy.
Since this method is irreversible compared to other birth control methods , it is best to use it on women over a certain age, who have had enough children, or who absolutely do not want children.
Sterilization in men, which is not accepted among birth control methods , is different from the situation in women. Similarly, the reproductive function is stopped by tying the reproductive tubes in men, but it can be reversed with another intervention if desired.