Weight Gain During Pregnancy
You may think that you can gain as much weight as you want during pregnancy and that you don't have to worry about it. However, pregnancy is not a good time to binge eat. Even the weight you gain during this period should be appropriate for your health.
Although being overweight is risky, pregnancy is not the time to lose weight. Even if you were overweight before pregnancy, you should gain a healthy amount of weight during this time.
For thin women, it is important to gain a reasonable amount of weight, especially in the last 6 months. Without gaining too much weight, your baby may be born earlier or smaller than expected.
Staying Alive
Pregnancy seems like a good excuse to retreat, relax, and wind down. All the fatigue, backaches, and bloating that comes with pregnancy may seem like a constant temptation to rest. But the truth is, lying down won’t fix the problem. In fact, it’s the opposite. Regular exercise can help reduce common pregnancy-related problems like back pain. It can also increase your energy levels and reduce your risk of pregnancy-related blood pressure and other illnesses. Perhaps best of all, regular exercise can help you prepare for labor by building stamina and muscle strength. If you’re physically prepared before you give birth, you can shorten your delivery and recovery time.
NOTE: Exercise is very important for you, but consult your doctor about what would be best for you before starting this program.
Try to spend half an hour exercising every day. Continue these exercises at regular intervals. If you are a regular walker, runner or swimmer, it is likely that you can continue these activities during your pregnancy under the supervision of your doctor.
Exercises You Should Be Careful With
After the first 3 months, it would be best to avoid exercises that will keep you standing for long periods of time. The weight of the baby can cause problems with your blood circulation. Being inactive for long periods of time is also not good for your circulatory system.
There are sports that you should avoid because you may get injured, including basketball, gymnastics, horseback riding, water skiing, and soccer.
Pregnancy Exercises
Birth is an amazing experience, but you need to be prepared for what could be hours. Your muscles and joints will be in constant motion so your baby can make his or her way into the world.
Matters to be Considered
To achieve a happy ending, you must play the pregnancy game by the rules. You must compromise your habits and accept some restrictions for your baby. The good news is that pregnancy is a powerful morale booster for many women to abandon risky behaviors.
It would be best for you to avoid caffeine during pregnancy. If you are a caffeine addict, at least limit your consumption. Research has shown that 200 mg per day will not cause any harm to pregnant women.
Remember, caffeine is found in high amounts not only in coffee, but also in tea, carbonated drinks, cocoa and chocolate.
If you drink alcohol within 9 months, your baby will drink alcohol too. Alcohol first circulates in your blood and then reaches your baby through the placenta. This use can cause permanent damage to your baby or even death.
The most serious disease caused by excessive alcohol consumption is fetal alcohol syndrome. This problem, which causes facial deformities, heart problems, low birth weight and mental disorders, leads to permanent growth and learning disabilities in the baby and mental problems. For this reason, the healthiest decision would be to stop drinking alcohol as soon as you find out you are pregnant.
Another substance that is harmful to you and your baby is cigarettes. Not quitting smoking during pregnancy can cause the baby to be stillborn or born prematurely. The reason why cigarettes are so harmful is that they contain carbon monoxide and nicotine. These substances cause nutritional deficiencies and increased blood pressure in the baby.
For all these reasons, you should quit smoking before pregnancy. This can also help you to completely quit your habit. During the 9-month period, be careful not to be a passive smoker.