1) What is vaginal douche?
The process of washing the inside of the vagina immediately after sexual intercourse is called "vaginal douche". Some women also do this procedure to protect themselves from pregnancy. However, this method has no effect on pregnancy. Because sperm can settle in the cervix even after approximately 3 minutes of ejaculation. In short, even if the inside of the vagina is cleaned after ejaculation, sperm have already passed the cervix and moved towards the tubes.
Women who want to use this method for protection will not only be inadequately protected, but will also face the complication of recurrent infection.
2) What are the reasons why women do vaginal douche?
To clean the remaining blood residues inside the vagina after menstrual bleeding ends.
To avoid pregnancy after sexual intercourse or to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (by the way, vaginal douche does not help protect you from pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases)
Because they feel cleaner with vaginal cleaning.
3) Why should vaginal douche not be done?
The inner lining of the vagina is surrounded by special flora and secretions that help protect this area. However, if a vaginal douche is performed, the effect of this natural protective cover is automatically removed. Infectious agents move towards the unprotected inner vaginal tissue and cause problems such as foul-smelling discharge etc.
Washing the vagina with solutions other than water (oxygenated water, vinegar water, herbal waters, etc.) does not provide the same effect and may cause harmful results.
4) Do not douche during pregnancy
Vaginal douche, which should be avoided under normal conditions because it carries risks such as causing susceptibility to infection, also carries some disadvantages when performed during pregnancy.
Some of these dangers;
It causes bacteria and other microbial agents to be transported from the vagina to the uterus.
It can change the normal pH of the vagina, making it susceptible to infection.
Such infections may cause risks such as premature birth during pregnancy.
5) How does the vagina clean itself?
The vagina is an organ that naturally cleans itself with a secretion called mucus. For this reason, you should be careful not to wash the inside of your vagina after sexual intercourse, after using the toilet, and during washing. To clean the outer area of the vagina, it is sufficient to use warm water and white soap. Unless your doctor recommends it, using substances such as soap, spray, powder for hygiene purposes is not necessary for adequate vaginal cleaning.
6) Situations that require consultation with a doctor
If the following situations occur, contact your doctor immediately;
If pain and burning sensation occur in the vagina
If there is itching in the vagina,
Burning sensation in the vagina during urination
If there is a bad smell coming from the vagina
If the discharge is in a different shape and color than the normal discharge (discharge in the form of cheese cuts or pieces resembling lime)