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Sexual Intercourse After Cesarean Birth

1) When can sexual intercourse begin after a cesarean delivery?

The most appropriate time to wait to resume sexual intercourse during the postpartum period after a cesarean section is around 1 to 1.5 months. This period is already the mother's postpartum period and during this period, the mother's entire body tries to recover and take its pre-birth form. After birth, bleeding and discharge no longer occur at the end of this period. The mother has physically and psychologically gotten used to the postpartum baby care process. However, it is not necessary to wait for a period of 1.5 months. Some couples feel ready to have intercourse much sooner. For some, this period can take up to 2 months. However, although 1 to 1.5 months is stated as the most ideal, having intercourse earlier when couples feel ready for intercourse and if they wish will not cause any harm to the mother, the surgical area or the stitches.

2) Is there a decrease or change in sexual desire after a cesarean delivery?

Generally, in the first month after a cesarean section, the mother may have a decreased desire to have sexual intercourse due to pain, fatigue, and concern for the baby after the surgery. This reluctance is quite normal and will later resolve on its own. At the same time, bleeding, spotting, and discharge that continue to decrease for 1 to 1.5 months after a cesarean section may prevent the vagina from being as suitable for intercourse as it normally would be. This may reduce the pleasure that the partners will get from intercourse.


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