IVF treatment is a very important method that allows individuals who cannot have children naturally to have children as a result of medical applications. IVF is a kind of proof of how much medicine has developed. However, these treatment methods, like many other treatment methods, have some side effects. The most important of these side effects is that the drugs used for this method have content that can negatively affect metabolism:
Drugs Used in IVF Treatment
What are the Benefits of Medications Used in IVF Treatment?
The drugs used in the IVF treatment method ensure that the egg, called the follicle, develops and grows properly in the womb. After this growth reaches sufficient maturity, the mother's LH hormone level increases significantly. This increase is evidence that the egg in the mother has developed sufficiently. During this period, this egg must be taken from the mother within 24 hours using the microinjection method. Otherwise, the egg will crack and the IVF treatment will fail. In order for all these stages to work healthily; in other words, both for the egg to develop and grow sufficiently and for the egg to not crack after reaching sufficient maturity, the mother is given medications at certain intervals. This medication makes it possible for the IVF method to be successful.
There is another IVF treatment method called natural cycle IVF . In this method, there is no need for these drugs given to the mother-to-be. The reason for using the word “natural” here is that the method is applied without drugs. In the natural cycle IVF treatment method; in other words, since no drugs are used in the natural process IVF treatment method, it can be said that the side effects of the IVF method are less.
What are the Side Effects of Medications Used in IVF Treatment?
● There is no information on the permanent side effects of the drugs used during IVF treatment. It has been observed that there are generally simple effects such as temporary redness marks. Apart from this, if the individual receiving treatment experiences a serious side effect due to the use of drugs, the doctor can use the natural cycle IVF method, which is a drug-free IVF application.
● It is seen that there is a false information circulating among the public that the drugs used in IVF treatment cause breast cancer and uterine cancer. However, this is not the case. There is no information that the hormones given for IVF cause cancer. It has also been determined that these drugs do not trigger breast cancer or uterine cancer in the expectant mother and that they are not related to these diseases in any way.
● Since the drugs used can affect the hormonal balance of the expectant mother, a condition called edema, also known as water accumulation among the public, can be observed in the expectant mother's body. However, this edema can also resolve and disappear on its own after the end of the IVF treatment process. In other cases, if a doctor's intervention is required, it is definitely useful to see a doctor. At this point, it is very important to establish a healthy communication with the doctor.
● It is observed that the drugs used increase the appetite of the mother. In fact, although this situation may seem negative, it is certain that the mother is in the period when she should be the farthest from dieting. If the mother is on a diet for the purpose of losing weight, she should stop this diet during the period when IVF treatment is applied. Because the mother needs to be resistant during this process. Although the drugs used increase the appetite of the mother, according to the studies conducted, there is no significant weight gain in the mothers. Even if the mother has a significant weight gain, the mother still needs to be careful about eating properly.
* Treatment Failure
One of the most obvious side effects of IVF treatment is treatment failure. This high rate is one of the most obvious side effects of this method.
* Multiple Pregnancies
One of the biggest side effects of IVF treatment is multiple pregnancies. Because multiple pregnancies can negatively affect the health of both the mother and the baby and carry a serious risk. In the case of multiple pregnancies, premature birth and miscarriage are common. The main reason for this situation is the large number of embryos transferred to the mother. Since this situation is dangerous, it has been made mandatory by law to transfer only one embryo. This situation is extremely important for the health of both the mother and the baby. If more than 1 embryo is transferred, the possibility of the IVF treatment working healthily is low, the health of the mother is at risk, and the baby who is about to enter the pregnancy process has a very low chance of survival.
* OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome)
* Infection
* Bleeding
* Failure to Develop the Desired Number of Eggs
* No Fertilization Occurs as a Result of Combining Egg and Sperm
* Embryos Not Attaching to the Uterus