What Should We Pay Attention to Before In Vitro Fertilization?
Recently, especially the in vitro fertilization methods that are closely followed by individuals who cannot have children are coming across us with a new perspective every passing day. The fact that there are constantly different developments and different in vitro fertilization methods are developing, provides clues that individuals should also be conscious about this issue. It is of great importance for individuals to research which in vitro fertilization methods should be applied in which situations, the centers where the best in vitro fertilization applications are performed, etc.
Another important factor that draws attention is that news is coming out every day about solutions being found for infertile people. It is also a known fact that many of these types of news do not reflect the truth… Individuals should definitely research how real the headlines and advertisements made right below them, such as “A 100% miracle solution for infertility has been developed” are. It should definitely be looked at how many people the IVF center or herbal medicines directed to there have actually healed and helped them have children. Because it should not be forgotten that there may be IVF centers that do not have sufficient experience and qualified personnel in applying IVF methods. This is the most important fact to pay attention to.
The Most Basic Things to Consider Before IVF
In general, the points to be considered before in vitro fertilization can be listed as follows:
● Before IVF is applied, you should do research on IVF methods and gain information on the subject.
● As we mentioned above, you should research the experience and staff of the IVF center you go to as much as possible. The rates of taking home a living child are also of great importance.
● If the woman is under 35 years of age and has not been able to become pregnant for more than 1 year, then she should consult a doctor immediately.
● If one or both partners have recently had a serious illness or have undergone serious treatments such as chemotherapy, they should definitely tell the doctor about this situation. Because sometimes failure to fertilize and pregnancy can be related to such situations. It is extremely important for your doctor to know this and develop a treatment method accordingly.
● If the father-to-be is doing heavy workouts and running, he should stop these workouts before starting the IVF procedure. It is known that running more than 25-30 km a day can negatively affect sperm.
● The father candidate should also pay attention to the underwear he wears before the IVF procedure. If very tight underwear is worn, this will cause the sperm to be at a higher temperature than it should be. This will also have a negative effect on the quality of the sperm. Therefore, it may be one of the reasons why the IVF method is unsuccessful.
● The father-to-be must definitely stay away from substances such as cigarettes and alcohol that may negatively affect sperm quality.
● Father candidates should avoid places such as Turkish baths and spas, especially for 3 months before the in vitro fertilization procedure. They should also be careful not to use too hot a bath water. This is because this situation has a lot to do with the quality of sperm.
● During the IVF method, the expectant mother must stop doing sports and heavy exercises. It is beneficial for the expectant mother to be informed about this before starting IVF.
● While the IVF method is being applied, the expectant mother should stay away from using harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol. Again, the expectant mother should be conscious about this issue before the IVF application begins.
● While the in vitro fertilization method is being applied, the partners must also stay away from sexual intercourse. It is essential that both the mother and the father have sufficient awareness on this issue.
● During IVF, the expectant mother should stay away from places such as Turkish baths, spas or solariums, which can strain the body, cause dizziness and affect the metabolism at a level that can accelerate the heartbeat. It is also very important to have information about this in advance.
● If both the mother and the father-to-be have any illness such as inflammation in the genital organ and its surroundings, it is necessary to inform the doctor immediately, because cases where such conditions prevent pregnancy are frequently encountered.
Things to Consider When Performing IVF
● The date of the IVF application is determined by your doctor and is stated to you. It should be noted that sexual intercourse should not be had for 3 days before this application. It is expected that there will be an increase in the quality and number of sperm during this 3-day period. Therefore, this timing is very important.
● It is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for 9-10 days after the IVF procedure. This method is also extremely important for the successful completion of the IVF procedure.
● It is recommended that you stay away from drinks that contain a lot of caffeine during this process. Because it is definitely known that drinking a lot of coffee and a lot of cola definitely affects the IVF application negatively. Although it is not thought to be harmful if consumed in moderation, it would still be healthier to be cautious by staying away from it as much as possible during this process.
● During this process, it is extremely important for both the mother and the father to take a break from any diet aimed at losing weight. Because doing this during the period when the body is at its most vigorous will significantly increase the chance of having a child.
Things to Consider in the IVF Application Center
● You should be very careful to be with your doctor at the exact appointment times given by your doctor. Because timing also plays a very important role in whether the IVF method is successful or not. (For example; after the egg called the follicle has developed sufficiently, the egg should be taken from the prospective mother by microinjection method before it cracks. If cracking occurs, the IVF method ends in failure.)
● If there is something you want to learn from your doctor, it would be beneficial to write it down on a piece of paper and go there. Because when you go to the doctor, you may not remember the question you were going to ask because of your excitement. In fact, you may not even think of asking a question. Then, you may act under the guidance of people who do not have knowledge and do something that is dangerous for the success of the IVF method. In order to avoid such situations, you need to establish good communication with your doctor.
● You should also make sure that the areas where you will be examined are clean. This is very important both for you to be able to communicate with your doctor in a healthy way and for the in vitro fertilization method to be performed correctly.
● You should listen to everything your doctor says very carefully. Misunderstanding what is said may cause an undesirable situation to occur.
● You should try to follow your doctor's instructions to the letter. Sometimes what your doctor says may be so essential that it is vital.