How much will IVF prices increase in 2017?
IVF prices will most likely increase in 2017, with the normal appreciation of the US Dollar and Euro, in other words, rising. Since all the materials used in the IVF process come from abroad, IVF has always been and will be an expensive process. Of course, pricing is also done in foreign currency. In light of all this data, IVF prices are unfortunately expected to continue to increase in 2017.

How will IVF prices be determined for 2017?
The increase in foreign exchange is not the only reason for determining the prices of IVF in 2017. There are other very serious reasons that affect the pricing.
Preliminary research is very important for IVF treatment. Couples need to be with a doctor with whom they can be in constant communication and feel safe during this difficult process. It is also important to have a high rate of success stories in choosing a doctor. In addition, the center where the doctor is located should be technologically advanced. These details are also important for pricing.
It would be best for couples to choose a doctor and center that is both affordable and does not view such a special treatment with commercial concerns. IVF, which can be viewed as a commercial gain, can cause couples to experience disappointment and go into a lot of debt.
Why are IVF prices so expensive?
Special materials used in IVF procedures, hormone drugs and needles that prepare for treatment, and all materials used in IVF laboratories are purchased from abroad. These products imported from abroad with foreign currency must definitely be obtained from the right manufacturers. In this regard, people and organizations that want to get away cheap unfortunately buy low-quality, unidentified, illegal products. You should never be fooled. In order to achieve low costs, you should be very careful about the products that are obtained in this way and used in the procedures. These products unfortunately reduce the success rate and of course pose a threat to patient health.
What details are important for IVF prices?
IVF prices will apparently continue to increase in 2017. Due to this increase, the important points that should be on the list of those who are doing research for IVF treatment are as follows:
When determining IVF prices, both couples should first be examined and the necessary tests should be performed.
The order of the methods to be applied and the equipment of the team to perform the application may differ among the treatment centers to be preferred for in vitro fertilization treatment. All differences should be evaluated as a priority.
The experience of the center to be preferred for in vitro fertilization treatment, its success rate, the equipment and training of the doctor and assistant team, and the developing technological infrastructure in in vitro fertilization should be investigated.
IVF prices and related treatment method costs should be explained in detail in advance.
In IVF treatments, methods should be determined in accordance with the couples' own stories and examination results.
You should always stay in touch with the doctor and the team regarding all medications to be used during IVF treatment, the way these medications are used during the procedure, and the dosages.