Every couple suffering from infertility should be able to have a baby. For this reason, IVF centers provide convenience in this regard in the prices they determine every year and create payment terms that will appeal to families. IVF prices continue to carry these conditions in 2015 and provide hope for couples who want to have a baby. As is known, even for couples with health insurance, only a portion of the treatment cost is covered by the health institution. For this reason, couples must prepare for such a treatment both spiritually and financially. It is very important for couples to start this treatment without experiencing problems and stress. The most important factor in the decision-making phase here is IVF prices.
In vitro fertilization treatment centers apply different prices for couples. If couples who are under a spiritual burden are not financially prepared for this treatment, the stress experienced during the treatment will have negative effects on achieving pregnancy. As the number of couples who postpone having a baby increases in society, it is seen that the demand for in vitro fertilization treatment is rapidly increasing. Because the increasing age of the woman makes it difficult for her to get pregnant. Due to the decrease in egg reserve, healthy pregnancies cannot be achieved and couples cannot have babies. Therefore, in vitro fertilization prices will concern many couples in 2015. There are many factors that are reflected in the prices of in vitro fertilization treatment. There are factors that affect the costs in every area, from the success of the in vitro fertilization center to the opportunities it provides to its patients.
Have IVF prices changed in 2015?
Although the costs incurred in IVF treatments have not changed much compared to previous years, there have been some differences in the report to be obtained for couples who want to benefit from health insurance. Previously, patients who received a health report for IVF treatment paid a certain difference to the centers where the treatment was applied. Since the cost of the treatment applied in IVF centers has increased at this stage, prices have increased for couples using the health report. The prices determined by IVF centers include the drugs used, the cost of ultrasound, the woman's ovary follow-up, the fertilization of eggs with sperm in the laboratory and the transfer of the obtained embryos to the woman. IVF prices 2015 are included in the prices determined by IVF centers.
What are the criteria for determining IVF prices?
As a result of the increasing cost of living and economic difficulties experienced today, couples who have infertility problems and want to have IVF treatment have started to pay close attention to IVF prices when choosing an IVF center. Although the centers that apply IVF treatment in our country are at a level that can compete with the centers in the world in terms of both their equipment and success rates, they actually offer lower costs.
The most important factor regarding IVF prices is the experience and technological infrastructure of the IVF center that will be preferred for treatment, which should be evaluated when comparing the success achieved or the success to be achieved. The factor that goes one step ahead of these factors is the successes achieved by the center in terms of IVF prices and costs. In other words, the success rate in IVF centers where IVF treatment is offered at a lower cost and IVF prices are low is lower than in IVF centers that can offer experience and technological opportunities. While couples who receive treatment have the opportunity to get pregnant in the cycle, in some cases, consecutive treatments are required and the advantage of the affordable price offered at the first stage suddenly increases a lot. In this case, IVF prices are not affordable, contrary to what is thought.
The situation of the couple is very important in determining the IVF prices.
When IVF treatment is observed from the outside, it may seem like the same standard treatment is applied to everyone, but in reality, treatments applied in experienced and highly successful IVF centers that are high quality and completely focused on success include personalized applications. The problems experienced by each couple in having a baby and the treatments that need to be applied to solve them are different from each other. Therefore, the treatments to be applied in the IVF centers you visit should always be questioned, the details should be learned and every detail in terms of the cost of IVF treatment should be considered down to the smallest detail. This data will greatly benefit you in making the right assessment in treatment and choosing the right IVF center.
Since the types of drugs used in IVF treatment, the way they are applied, and the dosage of the drugs vary from patient to patient, the costs of these drugs are usually not reflected in the IVF prices given at IVF centers. Therefore, it is recommended that couples evaluate the total cost together with the drugs when evaluating IVF prices. Couples with health insurance can obtain an IVF report from centers that have an agreement with the health institution in order to provide appropriate conditions in this regard and have a portion of their treatment costs covered by the health institution.
How are the prices of drugs to be used in 2015 IVF treatment reflected in the treatment?
During IVF treatment, the drugs to be used for each prospective mother are different, and even their dosages vary. The most important factor that will affect this is the prospective mother's current egg reserve. Therefore, the IVF price varies for each couple. Before starting IVF treatment, the prospective mother's current egg reserve should be examined and the drugs to be used in the treatment should be determined. Therefore, the egg reserve should be determined by using a blood test performed on the second day of the prospective mother's menstrual bleeding. If the woman's egg reserve is good during this determination, the drugs to be used during IVF treatment will be less, and drug prices will also be low. If it is determined that the prospective mother does not have sufficient egg reserve or if the prospective mother is older, in this case, more drugs will need to be used and the ovaries will need to be stimulated more. In this case, the costs of the drugs used will increase and will be directly reflected in IVF prices. This is an important factor affecting the increase in prices for this treatment.
Apart from this, couples should take into consideration that if additional applications such as pregnancy vaccination, IMSI, embryoscope are applied to the mother during IVF treatment, the IVF prices they will pay will increase. Therefore, couples should learn the IVF prices clearly from the IVF center they contact and be informed about the additional payments that may be made during the treatment. If these inquiries are not made, couples will experience stress about the costs and this will have a negative impact on the treatment.
How much will be the state support for in vitro fertilization treatment in 2015?
There are some support programs offered by the state to couples in every country for IVF treatment. This should be done so that couples can use their reproductive rights. The costs of IVF treatment also vary everywhere. This is reflected in the prices differently even in IVF centers. However, despite the successful IVF centers in our country, it can be said that most countries offer affordable prices. There is a certain price applied in addition to the drugs in IVF treatment. The drugs used may differ for each couple. If couples who are considering IVF treatment have a health institution they are affiliated with, they can first apply to this health institution and receive support. For this, they need to go to the health institution and get a health report stating that they are suitable candidates for IVF treatment. In this way, IVF prices will decrease during the treatment applied for couples who receive a health report. In this way, they will have the baby they dream of as a result of IVF treatment by paying less. At the end of the IVF treatment applied to the couple, if this health report is reported to the institution, a portion of the amount they paid will be returned to them as payment.
If the man cannot obtain the sperm required for the treatment during the IVF treatment and as a result, the IVF treatment cannot be applied, a portion of the aid to be received is paid back by the health institution. In addition, 80% of the cost of the egg stimulating drugs used for the woman in the IVF treatment is covered by the health institution. This helps couples to have more economical IVF treatment.
How is IVF treatment covered by the health institution?
Unfortunately, the health institution still partially covers IVF treatment for couples with health insurance. The health institution has even made this partial payment subject to certain conditions. In other words, having health insurance alone is not enough to receive this assistance.
First of all, couples need to document with a report from their health board that they are unable to have a baby through normal means, that they have not received positive results despite medical treatments, and that in vitro fertilization treatment is absolutely necessary in order to have a baby. This report forms the basis of the support to be received from the health institution.
Just getting a health report is not enough to get help. The state has also tied this to other conditions. For this, the woman must be of certain ages. The mother-to-be must be 23 years old and under 40 years old. If these conditions are met, couples should have this treatment at an IVF center that has an agreement with the institution from which they receive health insurance. In other words, the IVF center must have a contract with the health institution.
The person who will receive IVF treatment must have had general health insurance for at least 5 years or be a dependent. Even in this case, there must be at least 900 days of general health insurance premiums paid.
When all these conditions are met, the person to be treated must have documents from the health board stating that they have not had positive results in achieving pregnancy as a result of other treatments given in the last three years.
If couples meet the conditions listed above, they can receive a report from the health board stating that they are suitable for IVF treatment. With this report, a portion of the expenses of the IVF treatment to be applied to the couples and up to 80% of the medication costs can be reimbursed. Although a stressful and difficult path begins for the couples at the beginning, if they have the baby they dream of at the end of the treatment, all the experiences will be forgotten and they will be happy. Even if couples who have had the baby they have been longing for until the treatment have spent all their financial means for this cause, these will lose their importance. Since the longing for a child, which is an important concept of being a family, is eliminated with IVF treatment, even the prices in IVF treatment, which is seen as a glimmer of hope for couples suffering from infertility today, will lose their importance. IVF prices were also arranged in 2015 to help couples. If couples have not been able to have a baby in the past, they can eliminate this longing with IVF application in 2015. It is recommended that they contact IVF centers that have been successful in this regard, benefit from the opportunities offered to them and start treatment without wasting any more time. Although time is not very important for men, for women, every passing day is considered a disadvantage. Because women reduce their egg reserves during each menstrual period. It is everyone's right to prevent this and have children with IVF under suitable conditions.