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Infertility Treatment Methods

One of the biggest nightmares of couples is the infertility problems they experience. Studies show that one in four couples in Turkey has an infertility problem. Infertility is defined in medical literature as “the inability to have a child despite regular sexual intercourse without any protection.” Infertility can be seen in both men and women. Infertility can have more than one cause. If diagnosed, it can also be treated.

What are the causes of infertility in women?

One of the biggest causes of infertility in women is ovulation disorders. The first cause of ovulation disorders may be due to the congenital deficiency of the fluid secreted from the brain stem that stimulates egg production in the ovaries located in the woman's uterus. In this case, the woman does not experience any menstrual bleeding from puberty onwards.

A second condition that causes ovulation disorder is the excessive secretion of the milk hormone prolactin from the brainstem. In this case, fertilization and ovulation cannot occur because the eggs in the woman's uterus are not at normal levels.

A third cause of ovulation disorder is polycystic ovary syndrome, which occurs when many benign cysts form in the uterus. Due to this syndrome, there will be more eggs than necessary in the female reproductive organ, and the male hormone will begin to be secreted. In this case, it normally prevents egg development and causes ovulation disorder in women, causing infertility.

In addition to ovulation disorders in women, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, allergic reactions in the uterus, cervical problems and endometriosis, which causes inflammation of the uterine surface and ovaries, are also among the causes of infertility.

What are the causes of male infertility?

The factor that ensures healthy reproduction in men is hormones. These hormones affect sperm production, sperm transport in the sperm ducts and sexual functions. A disorder in any of these functions can cause infertility. Permanent congenital factors such as the absence of testicles from birth are also among the causes of infertility. In addition to these, there are also environmental factors that can cause infertility. Bad habits such as smoking and alcohol use cause a serious decrease in sperm count. Another issue is varicocele. Varicocele can cause a decrease in sperm count by causing an increase in temperature in the veins. In the event of a clinical complaint such as severe pain, the man must definitely see a doctor for treatment. Otherwise, he may face the risk of infertility.

How is infertility treatment carried out in women?

In infertility treatment, the cause of infertility and its diagnosis should be done in the best way possible. The way to a good treatment is through a good diagnosis. After all the research and examinations, the cause of infertility should be understood well. Treatment should start after this stage.

Ovulation Treatment: If no reason can be found or explained for the woman's infertility, ovulation treatment is applied. This treatment is also applied in cases where the woman has an irregular ovulation. The aim of the treatment is to allow the woman to ovulate regularly every month. As a result, if a woman who ovulates regularly every month has an increased chance of getting pregnant if she has sexual intercourse at the specified times.

IVF Treatment: If both tubes in a woman's uterus are blocked or damaged, there is almost no chance of pregnancy. Women with both tubes blocked face the risk of infertility. One of the treatment methods applied is IVF treatment. With IVF treatment, women can get pregnant with a 99 percent rate.

How is male infertility treated?

Thanks to the advancement of medicine and technology, research on male infertility treatment has expanded in recent years and very good results have begun to be obtained in treatment. Male infertility has reached a highly treatable level.

First of all, the most important goal in infertility treatment is to determine the cause of infertility. Because the treatment will be planned according to the cause of infertility. For example; if varicocele disease, which is highly likely to be seen in men, is detected, surgical application method should be started immediately. If it is understood that the cause of infertility is hormone deficiency, the man is given hormone support. Impotence and retrograde ejaculation are also causes of infertility in men. When such situations are encountered, the man is started on drug treatment by the doctor he is treating and psychological support is also provided. It has been observed that drug treatment and especially psychological support give positive results in such disorders.

Another treatment method is insemination. Insemination treatment can be applied to both men and women and is one of the most common treatments applied to couples who cannot have children. Insemination method is applied to men whose sperm count is below normal and to women who have problems with their ovaries.


Linda Ronald
Linda Ronald

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