The first test tube baby was born in 1978. Since then, in vitro fertilization treatments have been developing at a dizzying pace. With the methods and techniques developed every day, in vitro fertilization treatments have achieved a great success rate. Pregnancy rates have increased. However, due to living conditions and various factors, infertility rates have also started to increase.

According to the report by the World Health Organization (WHO), 100 years ago, the sperm count was 100-120 million per milliliter. However, today, sperm counts have dropped to 15 million.
15 out of every hundred couples face infertility problems
Environmental factors are of great importance in the problem of infertility. Among these factors, external factors such as air, water and environmental pollution play a significant role. Apart from this, it is known that nutrients and harmful substances that we are exposed to also cause infertility.
Apart from this, obesity is also defined as the disease of our age. Obesity is another problem that causes infertility. For this reason, infertility rates are increasing. Even 10 kilos of excess weight in a person's body reduces the chance of pregnancy.
Apart from this, harmful habits such as smoking are another obstacle to pregnancy. Smoking reduces ovarian reserves. In men, it reduces the number and quality of sperm. In addition to these, sexually transmitted diseases cause blockage of the tubes in women. For this reason, infertility problems are experienced.
Infertility problem has a 15% incidence rate. According to the information of the Ministry of Health, almost 2 million couples in our country face infertility problem. Inability to conceive, infertility; is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for a year.
Approximately one in five couples have difficulty conceiving or are unable to conceive. While the cause of infertility can be determined in most of these couples, the cause of infertility cannot be explained in 10 percent of them. These couples are diagnosed with "unexplained infertility."
For prospective parents who have no problems with their reproductive organs, the chance of getting pregnant is 20-25% each month. At the end of a year, this rate approaches 90%.
What are the causes of infertility?
The causes of infertility problems can sometimes be determined quite easily. However, in some couples, it is quite difficult to find the problem.
In 45% of families that have difficulty having a baby, the problem is male-related, while in 45% it is female-related. In the remaining 10%, the cause of infertility cannot be explained.
In today's conditions, women can lose their fertility without realizing it due to reasons such as couples delaying their marriage age and postponing the age of having children. The fertile age of women is considered to be 24-35. After the age of 35, this rate drops rapidly and women begin to lose their fertility.
As the biological clock progresses, the chance of pregnancy gradually decreases. The number of eggs decreases in direct proportion to the increase in age. Even if pregnancy occurs, it may result in miscarriage. The reason for this is that the quality of the eggs also decreases. There is no big difference between the pregnancy of a 20-year-old woman and a 25-year-old woman. However, the pregnancies of a 25-year-old woman and a 35-year-old woman are quite different.
Causes of female infertility include:
Blocked fallopian tubes,
Congenital abnormalities in the uterus,
Structures such as myoma and polyp,
Intrauterine adhesions,
Previous surgical procedures may be included.
The most common causes of male infertility are:
Insufficient sperm count,
Lack of sperm motility,
Poor sperm quality,
Sperm shape and morphological problems may be included.
Frequency of sexual intercourse: Couples who want to have a baby should have regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. There is no appropriate number of times for sexual intercourse. However, sexual intercourse at least 3 times a week is recommended.
Timing: In addition to regular sexual intercourse, timing is also very important. The chance of pregnancy is higher, especially on ovulation days.
Apart from these, external factors such as stress also negatively affect the chances of pregnancy. Stress directly affects hormones. This also has an effect on the chances of pregnancy.
What is the success rate of in vitro fertilization treatments?
A healthy mother and father candidate who has no problems has a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant in one month. This rate can be increased to 60% with in vitro fertilization treatments.
But despite these high success rates, no assisted reproductive method can offer a 100% guarantee of success.
What factors affect the success of in vitro fertilization treatments?
There are many factors that affect the success of IVF treatments. These factors are:
The age of the woman,
Factor or factors causing infertility,
The facilities of the IVF center,
Success rates and laboratory conditions of the IVF center,
Embryo transfer,
It can be counted as the experience and equipment of the doctor and his team.
Is IVF the only solution for infertility?
If pregnancy cannot be achieved with natural methods for a year, if regular and unprotected sexual intercourse has been had for a year, then there is a problem. Couples should see a doctor without wasting time. If the woman is older, the chance of pregnancy decreases with IVF treatment. IVF treatment is not applied to every couple who cannot have children. First, the couple is examined and investigated. After the problem is detected, it is decided which methods are suitable for the couple. If there is a chance of pregnancy with easier and simpler methods before IVF treatment, these are tried. An example of these methods is ''insemination''. In couples who cannot get pregnant with IUI treatment, IVF treatment is started. Since the IUI method is an easier and more economical method than IVF treatment, IVF treatment is started after this treatment. However, what is important here is what the couple's problem is. If the woman is older or the infertility problem cannot be solved other than IVF, IVF treatment is started without wasting time.
For example, if the mother's fallopian tubes are blocked, it is quite unnecessary to try the insemination method. If sperm cannot be detected in the male candidate, and if the woman's ovarian reserves are not in good condition, in vitro fertilization treatment methods are used.