Frequent Menstruation
Under normal conditions, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days. A menstrual cycle within this range is considered a normal menstrual cycle. Menstrual bleeding before the time it should be seen or menstrual bleeding recurring before 21 days is called frequent menstruation. Women who menstruate at this frequency may think they menstruate twice a month. This is a menstrual imbalance and also indicates irregularity of menstrual cycles.
What are the causes of frequent menstruation?
Frequent menstruation in women can be caused by certain diseases. For example, diseases such as polyps and myomas can disrupt the hormonal balance of women. In this case, irregular and frequent menstrual bleeding can occur. The psychological state of a woman can affect her hormones. External factors such as work intensity, stress, traumas and sudden shock can cause negative psychological states. In this case, it causes irregular menstruation and more frequent menstruation. Since hormonal balances can be disrupted in women with goiter, there may be changes in their menstrual cycle. More frequent menstrual bleeding can be seen in women with goiter.
How is frequent menstruation diagnosed and what is the importance of treatment after diagnosis?
Women who menstruate less than 21 days or twice in a month should have their menstrual cycles examined. A woman who is faced with such a situation should see a doctor immediately and have her period diagnosed as frequent. After listening to the woman's complaint, the doctor first looks at her hormonal values. By looking at the results of the blood tests, he determines the problem that is causing the woman's frequent menstruation. If the cause of frequent menstruation is stress, the woman can receive support from a specialist psychologist. If the cause of frequent menstruation is due to hormonal imbalance (if it is not due to seasonal changes), the doctor will choose a treatment program that will restore the hormonal balance to its previous state.
If the reason for menstrual frequency is formations such as ovarian cysts or myomas, the doctor may start drug treatment. With drug treatment, cysts and myomas will largely disappear.
Is frequent menstruation a risk to a woman's health?
Women who have frequent menstrual cycles should definitely see a gynecologist. Because the woman will lose a lot of blood due to excessive bleeding. This can cause anemia. The biggest cause of frequent menstrual cycles is various hormonal disorders. These hormonal disorders also need to be treated. While treatment is usually provided with menstrual regulating medications, some cysts and myomas can pose a risk to women's health and drug treatment may not work. In such cases, surgical intervention is performed.
What happens after frequent menstruation?
Women can lose a lot of blood in their bodies due to frequent menstruation. This can make them feel weak, tired and exhausted. Frequent menstruation affects women both physically and mentally. The psychology of women who menstruate frequently can also be damaged. After frequent menstruation, the hemoglobin levels in the body of women decrease significantly due to the large amount of blood they lose. The woman's body and organs can be negatively affected by the decreased hemoglobin level. Women who menstruate frequently should consult a gynecologist without wasting time.