During pregnancy, the woman's body goes through a different process than usual due to the changing hormonal balance. In fact, women who are much more easily affected by events and situations that they were not previously affected by and are much more sensitive to physical and psychological effects may experience many discomforts during this period. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, complaints such as nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, dizziness, and fainting are frequently seen. Although fainting is less common, dizziness and blurred vision are experienced by almost all pregnant women at least once. Since the uterus grows much more than normal during pregnancy, a large amount of the blood in the body goes to the uterus. For this reason, other organs, including the brain, sometimes cannot receive as much blood flow as they need. In this case, since the brain and other organs cannot meet their blood needs suddenly, discomforts such as dizziness and fainting may be experienced. In addition, as the uterus grows, the pressure exerted on the expectant mother's blood vessels increases, which can lead to complaints of dizziness, blurred vision, and fainting. It is precisely in this context that doctors advise expectant mothers to avoid sudden movements during pregnancy and not to stand up suddenly while sitting or lying down. For example, if a woman stands up suddenly while lying down, her blood pressure drops rapidly and blood cannot reach the brain instantly or less than it should. For this reason, it is recommended that women move more calmly and slowly than usual during pregnancy.
Low blood sugar levels can also cause dizziness and fainting during pregnancy.
The most emphasized situation by doctors who offer nutrition recommendations during pregnancy is the importance of eating little by little, in small portions and at frequent intervals. In this way, the mother-to-be does not gain more weight than necessary, the baby does not stay hungry for a long time, and since there is no imbalance in metabolism, the woman's blood sugar does not drop. Because low blood sugar shows itself with dizziness and fainting. In addition, it is recommended to increase the consumption of water, which is the most important source that keeps the body standing and fit, compared to the normal period. A body that is dehydrated for a long time causes fatigue, exhaustion and fainting. It is vitally important for pregnant women with diabetes to definitely eat small amounts frequently and increase their water consumption.
What to do to prevent dizziness and fainting during pregnancy
It is important for pregnant women to make changes in all their eating, drinking, traveling, working and living conditions that are suitable for pregnancy. In this context, not working as hard as before pregnancy, taking short breaks, definitely snacking between meals and taking care not to go hungry, staying away from stress and stress are the most common pregnancy recommendations. In order to reduce pregnancy complaints, those with anemia should use extra supplements, especially after the 3rd month of pregnancy, stop lying on their backs, avoid being overly thirsty and hungry, stay away from very cold and very hot environments, and avoid excessively tiring physical activities. All of these will help the expectant mother get rid of routine pregnancy complaints such as blackouts, dizziness and fainting, which are less common. Because if a woman experiences dizziness, blackouts, weakness, lightheadedness and fainting, the main reason for this is the decrease in blood flow to the brain. In such a case, it is necessary to lie down in a suitable place immediately, put a soft pillow under your legs and rest for a while to return the blood flow to normal. During this time, the head should be on a flat surface, the legs should be slightly elevated and the woman should be lying on her left side. In this way, the pressure exerted by the uterus on the blood vessels decreases, and the blood flow to the brain and other organs returns to normal. In case of dizziness and fainting, putting a pillow under the head, lying on the back and on the right side is definitely not recommended, as it will increase the pressure exerted by the uterus.
Frequent feelings of dizziness and fainting during pregnancy may be symptoms of other disorders.
Every woman occasionally experiences dizziness, blurred vision and fainting during pregnancy. However, these complaints are short-term and go away on their own when you lie down and rest. If these discomforts occur very frequently, such as every day or every other day, you should definitely consult a doctor and perform the necessary tests, as they may be a symptom of other diseases. In addition, the feeling of fainting and complete fainting are signs of different problems. While the feeling of fainting is short-term and temporary, fainting is a complete loss of consciousness. In the event of fainting, where there is a loss of consciousness, you should definitely consult a doctor immediately. Because this problem may be a sign of brain-based disorders (neurological) or inner ear disease.