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Delay in Period in 4 Items

If a woman with a regular menstrual cycle has not had her period for 7 days after her period was supposed to, this is called a missed period. A woman's menstrual bleeding between 21 and 35 days is considered a normal menstrual cycle. A delay of up to 7 days or earlier than the day her period was supposed to be is also considered a normal menstrual cycle. There may be more than one reason for a period to be delayed beyond normal and it is a condition that needs to be investigated.

What are the reasons for menstrual delay?


Stress can affect many situations in human life. Stress is a factor that affects women as well as everyone else. Especially working conditions, stress due to environmental factors, traumas and sudden mood swings that negatively affect women's psychology can cause menstrual delays. Stress can also change a woman's hormonal balance. In this case, it causes ovulation to decrease and menstruation to be delayed. In order for menstruation to return to its previous order, stress must be controlled or its effects must be minimized.


Sudden or long-term illnesses that a woman has may cause a delay in menstruation. Especially medications used in long-term illnesses can disrupt the hormonal balance of the female body. In this case, it may cause a delay in menstruation . # Menstruation

Being overweight or underweight

A woman who is overweight compared to her height also changes her menstrual cycle hormonally. In this case, her period may be delayed or may stop completely. In such cases, if the woman loses a little weight or returns to her normal weight, her period will return to its previous routine. Being extremely thin is another factor that disrupts her menstrual cycle. Delayed periods are more common in women who do professional sports due to the decrease in body fat. If these women gain a little weight, they will return to their previous menstrual cycle.


Pregnancy is the reason for the sweetest period delay. A woman who suspects a possible pregnancy can easily test whether she is pregnant with a pregnancy test she can buy from any pharmacy if her period is delayed.

Transition to menopause

Women, especially those over the age of 45, are in the transition phase of menopause. During this period, women may experience irregularities in their menstrual cycle. During this period, there will also be a decrease in the woman's fertility and estrogen hormone in her body. During the transition period to menopause, there may be a delay in menstruation or very little menstrual bleeding.


If a woman has not had a period for 1 year since her last period, she has definitely entered menopause. Menopause is the period when a woman's fertility activities and ovulation end.

In which cases of menstrual delay should you see a doctor?

If a young girl who has entered puberty does not menstruate by the age of 16, she should immediately see a specialist. In cases such as excessive menstrual bleeding after a delayed period, severe pain, or sudden stopping of menstruation, it is useful to see a specialist.

How is period delay treated?

Delayed menstruation is an easily treated condition. Usually, the menstrual cycles of women who experience a delay in menstruation are normalized with menstrual regulating drugs given to the woman. However, in some cases, the cause of the menstrual delay may not be determined despite the tests performed and the doctor diagnoses this condition as unknown menstrual delay. The biggest reason for this condition is stress or the psychological changes that occur due to some problems the woman experiences in her private life. In response to such stress factors, the doctor may ask the woman to seek support from a specialist psychologist, in contrast to drug treatment.


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