The pregnancy period is the period when a woman is most sensitive to external and internal factors, both physically and mentally. Changing hormone levels and balances change, rapid weight gain and both physical and mental changes occur. One of the most dangerous and undesirable situations for expectant mothers during this period, when they are so open to external and internal factors, is the dark spots that form on the skin. These spots, especially seen on the face, neck, nipples, genital area and armpits, disturb women a lot in terms of aesthetics. These spots, which are given different names as pregnancy mask, Chloasma and Melasma, are formed when the increased hormone secretions during pregnancy also increase the melanotropin substance. These spots, which greatly disturb the expectant mother, usually disappear on their own within 3-6 months after birth.
The sun has an effect on dark spots that occur during pregnancy
The spots that occur during pregnancy mostly occur in areas exposed to the sun, but can also be seen in closed areas such as the genital area and armpits. Especially after using some make-up and cosmetic products, dark spots are inevitable when exposed to the sun. Since the skin is more sensitive than normal during pregnancy, it is greatly affected by all external factors. For this reason, women who do not use any protective cream on their skin during the period outside of pregnancy should also be protected during pregnancy.
Dark spots during pregnancy can be prevented
The most important cause of pregnancy spots is direct exposure to sunlight. For this reason, it is very important to avoid going outside during the hours when the sun is very intense and burning, and to use creams containing high factor sunscreen when you do go out. Sunscreens containing UV-A and UV-B should be chosen from well-known, reliable brands. Since UV-A rays from the sun can also enter through the windows of the house or office and affect the skin, it is useful to use sunscreen even when you are at home. In addition, it is necessary to wear sunglasses and a hat when going outside, and to apply sunscreen 2-3 times a day, not once, but at 3-4 hour intervals.
Dark spots that occur during pregnancy may go away on their own
Many women experience dark spots on their skin that disappear on their own within 3-6 months after birth. Some women are very bothered by the spots that gradually fade and disappear over time, so they want to receive treatment right after birth without waiting for them to disappear on their own. Some may require cosmetic intervention to make the spots disappear.
Dark spots that occur during pregnancy can be treated
The best approach would be to wait approximately 6 months after birth for dark spots that occur during pregnancy to disappear. For spots that do not disappear within this period, it is useful to first consult a dermatologist. It is very important not to neglect using sunscreen during the treatment process and not to go out in the sun without glasses and a hat. However, since some medications and cosmetic products increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, it is necessary to stay away from these products.
Products used unconsciously may increase dark spots that occur during pregnancy
Since each individual has their own skin and metabolism characteristics, a product that one person uses and is satisfied with may cause complaints in another person. For this reason, any medicine, cream, cosmetic or herbal product that is claimed to be good for dark skin spots should never be used without consulting a dermatologist. These spots, which especially victimize women aesthetically, can become permanent on the skin or spread to larger areas with unconsciously used products. Products obtained through a friend's recommendation or internet advertisements can negatively affect both women's budget and health. For this reason, women who cannot remove spots with the creams recommended by the dermatologist can get rid of the spots with laser treatment and peeling methods with the help of a specialist.
It is possible to get rid of dark spots that occur during pregnancy with laser
The laser, which is described as a concentrated light beam, turns into thermal energy where the light is held and disperses the melanin pigment accumulation that causes the stain there. In laser stain treatment, which is more effective especially for women with dark skin, only the area where the melanin pigment is concentrated is affected by using laser light, other areas are not affected by this situation. When melanin pigments are exposed to laser light, they disperse in the skin tissue and the color of the stains naturally lightens. It is possible to get rid of the stains in a few sessions with laser treatment, which can be used for superficial stains and deep stains. What is important here is the application of laser treatment by an expert staff and in a well-equipped institution.