It is definitely not recommended to do any diet or diet programs during pregnancy. Because the baby needs vitamin and mineral support for healthy development. Otherwise, serious problems may occur in the baby's mental and physical development.
If the expectant mother is overweight, she should diet and exercise to reach her ideal weight before getting pregnant. Starting the pregnancy process with excess weight can cause her to gain more weight, and some weight-related problems can occur. Similarly, if your pregnancy started when you were over your ideal weight, strict diet lists should not be applied. Instead, you should strictly follow the rules of nutrition for a healthy pregnancy, and only stay away from excessively fatty and caloric foods. In addition, sufficient nutritional values should be taken for pregnancy with the principle of frequent and small amounts. Your doctor will help you in this regard if necessary. In addition to losing weight, it will be beneficial for your health to do non-tiring exercises throughout your pregnancy.
How to eat during pregnancy?
Proper and conscious nutrition during pregnancy is very important for both mother and baby health. Gaining the right amount of weight with the right diet will make both the pregnancy and birth easier. It will also make it easier to lose weight after birth and for the body to return to its original state.
Many expectant mothers think that they need to eat twice as much with the logic that they are carrying two lives with pregnancy. However, eating so much for pregnant women does more harm than good. It will be enough for pregnant women to eat approximately 300 calories more per day than a normal person. This figure does not make a big difference. It is quite normal for a pregnant woman with this type of eating habit to gain an average of 9-12 kilos. Taking only the vitamins and minerals she needs without depriving herself of necessary nutrients is the first step to a healthy pregnancy.

Foods to be consumed during pregnancy
Plenty of fruits and vegetables should be consumed.
Milk or dairy products should be consumed every day.
It is recommended to consume fish 1-2 days a week.
Consuming chicken and red meat is beneficial.
Coffee and tea can be consumed in moderation.
Consuming fresh fruit juice is beneficial.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water throughout pregnancy.
Herbal teas such as linden, mint, rosehip, lemon, sage and chamomile can also be drunk.
Ice cream can be consumed as dessert.
Bread can be consumed as long as it is not excessive.
If your doctor has recommended folic acid, vitamin and iron supplements, they should also be taken without delay.
Foods to be careful about during pregnancy
Sugary desserts such as chocolate and cake should not be consumed too much.
Foods such as pastries and fast food should also be avoided.
Be careful not to consume too many nuts as they are high in calories.
Sweeteners and diet type foods should not be consumed.
Cigarettes should never be smoked.
Alcohol should not be consumed.
Acidic drinks should be avoided.
Meat-type foods such as raw meatballs, raw meat and undercooked sausage should not be eaten.
Undercooked eggs and fatty foods should not be consumed.
Unpasteurized milk should never be drunk.
It is beneficial to stay away from high-calorie foods such as chips and biscuits.

Can I do sports during pregnancy?
It is recommended that the expectant mother exercise safely and securely during pregnancy, under the supervision of a doctor and with a specialist sports trainer.
Exercise is very beneficial during pregnancy, but every pregnant woman should definitely consult her doctor before starting exercise. Because pregnancy is a risk factor and can cause serious problems if the opposite movement is made. Therefore, there is no harm in doing the exercise programs that your doctor deems appropriate. It is generally recommended to start exercising at the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy.
What kind of exercises can be done during pregnancy?
The safest and easiest exercise to do during pregnancy is walking. Slow and light-paced walks will be very beneficial. There is no harm in walking for about half an hour every day or 2-3 times a week, without tiring yourself. You can even do it every month of your pregnancy. Swimming is also the most recommended sport by doctors. It can be done easily throughout your pregnancy.
Harms of excess weight during pregnancy
In obese women, ultrasound evaluation of the baby is more difficult.
Because of the high fat thickness in the abdominal area, it is difficult to perform procedures such as amniocentesis.
Obese mothers have a very low chance of having a normal birth.
The incidence of high blood pressure and preeclampsia is higher.
It has been determined that the baby of an overweight mother may also have weight problems. Therefore, due to the baby being large, it may cause some problems at birth.
Their babies are also more likely to become obese in later life.
The risk of miscarriage is higher in overweight expectant mothers.
The risk of premature birth increases.
Urinary tract infections are more common in overweight pregnant women.
Breastfeeding problems are more common.
Neural tube defects are more common in babies.
The baby has a higher risk of trauma during birth.
Additionally, babies of overweight mothers have a higher risk of death during the neonatal period.