Once upon a time, all most expecting fathers did was keep their partners calm and wait in the waiting room during labor to hold their baby. But now, in the 21st century, fathers can join in the excitement of being there for their partners from their first checkup to the birth.
Even if you’re not the dads whose bellies are growing and who are getting the most attention, there are many things you can do to feel like an active participant in your expanding family rather than a spectator. Nine months is ample time for all of this.
Although this section focuses more on how to be a father, the information provided is also valid for unmarried and same-sex couples.
How to Become an Engaged Partner?
Here are some tips on how you can accompany your wife's happiness from the beginning of her pregnancy;
If your partner is unsure about her pregnancy, suggest taking a pregnancy test and if it is true, find out the happy news together.
Even if you can't go to all of them, try to go to the first check-up with your partner. If you are the biological father, tell your doctor about your family's and your own health conditions.
Share your feelings and your partner's physical sensations with each other so that you too can feel experienced about pregnancy.
Talk to your baby while massaging your partner's belly because it is scientifically proven that the baby can hear you. After the 16th or 20th week, you will start to feel your baby's movements.
Create a common food list with your partner during pregnancy, do regular exercises and rest with him. These will help him not feel lonely.
Spending the First 3 Months Together
If you are experiencing pregnancy for the first time, spending the first 3 months together can be a bit challenging. Even if your partner's appearance is the same, the baby does not show itself until the 12th week and your partner may experience psychological problems during these 3 months. Thinking that the food they eat is rotten, feeling like they are vomiting all of a sudden when they see food, suddenly feeling hungry like a wolf, crying for no reason are all common in the first 3 months. They want you to be with them but not to touch them. One of the reasons for this is the excess hormone production in the body.
Here are a few steps you can take to help your spouse:
1-) Reduce Nausea
Nausea is a disease that pregnant women usually suffer from severely in the first 3 months. To reduce this, make sure your partner snacks frequently without letting him get too hungry. Drinking will also be beneficial in getting rid of this problem. Adding ginger to his drink can be very beneficial. Perhaps most importantly, you should be careful to choose odorless foods.
2-) Help Him Fight Fatigue
As your partner's body develops, his heart will beat faster and his pulse rate will increase. As the months pass, your partner will tire more quickly, so you should help him meet his iron and protein needs very well. Be sure to consume lean meat, chicken and eggs .
3-) Remember that all of this will pass
The stress of the first 3 months will decrease to a reasonable extent in the next 3 months. You can spend time for yourself in these 3 months and make pregnancy more enjoyable for both of you.
Birth Anxiety
As the birth approaches, excitement and stress mix. You have a big responsibility to put your partner at ease. Here are a few things to help you prepare:
Educate yourself about childbirth.
Choose the hospital you will go to in the safest and shortest way. Create a plan B considering weather conditions and traffic.
Set up a stroller in the car to bring the baby home after birth.
Always keep a bag ready in case of an emergency. Put pajamas and other necessary items in it.
Make sure you can communicate with your spouse through any means possible. Create a group where everyone can be present so that you can call your family in case of an emergency.
Baby on the Way!
In the last few days before the birth, both you and your partner will notice this. Since you have been with your partner for 9 months, it is your natural right to want to be present at the birth. Hospitals restrict how many people can attend the birth, not who. Therefore, there is no harm in attending the birth. Here are the things you should do a few days before the birth;
When you feel the first pains, try to distract your partner. Ask how his/her day went, watch a movie together.
Take short walks unless told to stay in bed.
Offer to massage her back and shoulders.
Use relaxation techniques.
Remember! Even if he doesn't speak the language that suits you or if it hurts to shake your hand, the important thing is that you are there when he needs you.
After Birth
The best time for couples is when they are going to meet their babies. During these times, you can help the mother with bathing, feeding and changing her clothes.
When your baby is asleep, you can set up a monitoring system and spend a few hours with your partner.
Now that your spouse is allowed to eat normally, you can bring him one of his favorite meals. It will make him feel good.
Common Concerns
As a new parent, you may be worried like other couples. Some of the things you worry about are;
If you can't spend much time with your baby once he or she is born, it may be difficult to adjust to your work schedule.
New responsibilities may seem overwhelming to you.
You may have stressful times because there will be disturbances in your sleep patterns.
You may face financial problems as the expenses of the baby will be high.
You may spend less time with your spouse because you are taking care of the baby.
You may become depressed like some fathers.
But you can eliminate all of this with just a few steps;
Be careful to share all your problems with your spouse.
If you have financial difficulties, you can achieve balance by cutting your expenses in some areas.
You should take the time to think about what kind of parent you want to be.
No one is born a parent, this sacred profession is learned with time and patience. Therefore, take care to share this beautiful happiness with your family in the most sincere way. He is the only hand you can hold after your spouse!