1) About developmental delay
In babies with developmental delays in the womb, movement restriction occurs due to lack of oxygen. Since the blood flow in the baby is low, the existing blood is transferred to vital organs such as the heart and brain. In this case, the baby starts to move less in the womb. For this reason, the movements of babies who are monitored for developmental delay are especially monitored. In these babies, oxygen deficiency can be seen more easily both in the womb and during birth. For this reason, babies can be monitored in the womb, as well as during birth and after birth, until they have completed their sufficient development. All organs and body structure of the baby should be under control until they have completed their development.
2) How many types of developmental delays occur in babies?
2.1 Symmetrical developmental delay: The measurements of the baby's head, abdomen and leg lengths examined in the ultrasound are behind the baby's expected week. This type of developmental delay is less common. These developmental delays are more common in the early stages of pregnancy. These cause more serious problems. The causes of these developmental delays are chromosomal anomalies, infectious diseases experienced during pregnancy, anatomical problems, nutritional problems in the mother and smoking habits.
2. 2 Asymmetrical developmental delay: This type of developmental delay occurs later than the symmetrical one. It is the most common type of developmental delay. Since the baby's abdominal circumference is smaller than the leg and head circumference, asymmetrical developmental delay occurs. The reason for this type of developmental delay is the decrease in blood flow from the mother to the baby. This type of developmental delay is usually seen in problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
3) How is it determined at birth that the baby has developmental delay?
If the baby is born weighing less than 2500 grams at the time of birth, it is said that there is a developmental delay. However, this is not a definitive diagnosis. Genetically, babies may be born with a petite structure. In this case, a definitive diagnosis is made after the baby is examined.
4) What are the causes of developmental delay in babies?
It is stated that around 75% of developmental delays in babies are due to structural developmental delays. Those remaining outside this percentage are due to decreased blood flow to the baby and factors that cause symmetrical developmental delay. Developmental delays can originate from the mother, the baby and the placenta.
5) Maternal factors
Smoking habits of the expectant mother: The more the expectant mother smokes during pregnancy, the higher the chance of the baby being born with a lower than normal weight.
The mother candidate is not properly nourished: The baby's growth is closely related to the food the mother candidate eats. Babies of expectant mothers who do not eat enough and properly are born with lower weight. If the mother candidate consumes less than 1500 Kcal per day during pregnancy, it indicates that she is not nourished enough.
Engaging in excessive mental and physical activity: If the expectant mother works in a job that requires heavy physical conditions or is in a mentally stressful environment, the possibility of the baby being born with a low birth weight increases.
Various diseases that occur during pregnancy and those that exist before pregnancy: Problems such as pregnancy poisoning, rheumatic diseases and high blood pressure, which will be effective in the baby being born with a low birth weight, should be taken seriously. These are among the causes of developmental delay in the baby.
The mother is structurally small and does not gain enough weight: If the mother weighs less than 45 kg before pregnancy, the baby is more likely to be born small. If the mother does not gain enough weight during pregnancy or gains less weight after the 7th month, the possibility of developmental delay increases.
6) Reasons related to the baby
Infections that the baby catches in the womb cause developmental delays. Rubella, which occurs during this period, is among the most common viral infections. This causes developmental delays.
Chromosomal diseases and heart diseases also cause developmental delay.
Use of alcohol, cigarettes and certain chemicals also cause developmental delays.
7) Causes related to the placenta
The placenta, or the baby's partner as it is commonly known, ensures that nutrients from the mother are transferred to the baby. It also regulates the flow of blood from the mother. If even the slightest problem occurs in this structure, the baby may experience severe developmental delays.
8) How is developmental delay diagnosed in babies?
In order to clearly diagnose the developmental delay in the baby, it is first necessary to know which week the baby is in. For this reason, ultrasound examinations performed in the first 2 months of pregnancy are of great importance. A detailed history taken from the mother-to-be is useful in making the diagnosis. If the mother has a history of recurrent developmental delay in her previous pregnancy, the diseases actively present in the mother-to-be are evaluated. Every issue considered dangerous in terms of developmental delay is examined. If the baby is behind in its measurements according to the week of pregnancy it is in, a diagnosis of developmental delay can be made. Symmetrical or asymmetrical developmental delay is determined in the measurements taken during the ultrasound examination. Then, the baby's organs and body structure are subjected to a detailed ultrasound examination. Color Doppler application is also performed. Appropriate treatments are determined as a result of the evaluations made.