If couples have unprotected and regular sexual intercourse for a year but cannot conceive, there is an infertility problem. 45% of infertility problems are caused by women and 45% by men. In the remaining 10%, pregnancy cannot be achieved despite no detectable cause. This problem is called unexplained infertility.
There are many different causes of female infertility. Female infertility is more complicated than male infertility. One of these reasons is problems in the thyroid gland.
Are thyroid and goiter diseases a problem that causes infertility?
Goiter can be considered as a cause of infertility. Goiter is a factor that can play a role especially in infertility caused by women. Apart from this, goiter is also a cause of infertility that can be effective in men. It is known that there is a relationship between the brain and the ovaries in the thyroid problem seen in women. There is a relationship between the testicles and the thyroid in the thyroid problem seen in men. There may be problems in the reproductive systems of both parties due to various reasons. The egg production mechanism can be negatively affected due to the thyroid in women. In the thyroid problem seen in men, sperm production can be negatively affected.
Problems originating from the reproductive system can lead to a decrease in the number and quality of eggs. The same applies to men; a decrease in the number and quality of sperm can occur.
However, hormone tests conducted to investigate this issue cannot detect any abnormalities. Therefore, a confusing and misleading situation may arise for prospective parents who want to have a child.
Why does goiter cause infertility in women?
If a woman with goiter has any problems with her thyroid hormone, her ovulation function is disrupted. For this reason, her menstrual periods begin to occur irregularly and the chance of getting pregnant decreases. Therefore, infertility problems may occur.
If the thyroid hormone is secreted more or less than it should be, the woman's fertility can decrease. The disease called Hashimoto is also a problem that causes infertility in women. Hashimoto is a type of thyroid disease. Women with Hashimoto's disease are at greater risk for infertility.
How does goiter disease cause infertility in men?
The biggest reason why goiter, a problem seen in men, causes infertility is that goiter causes sperm movement disorders. The decrease in sperm cell mobility is also a factor in infertility.
What should goiter patients who want to become parents do?
Women who want to become parents but suffer from infertility due to goiter need to have various hormone tests. Some of these tests are:
Free T3 and T4,
Anti-TPO antibodies are some of them.
If the patient's TSH level is high in the tests performed, medical treatment is started with thyroid hormone drugs. A response to treatment is achieved in a short time. If the anti-TPO antibody rate is high and the patient is pregnant, thyroid hormone drugs are applied by the endocrinology for treatment. In addition to hormone drugs, selenium drugs can also be used as a support. If there is an overactivity of thyroid hormones, other treatment methods are used for such patients.
If the patient cannot get pregnant due to goiter, the problem of iodine deficiency should be investigated. If some patients have iodine deficiency, various problems occur in ovulation functions.
If couples who have consulted a specialist due to female infertility have decided on IVF treatment, they should have their anti-TPO antibodies checked. If this rate is high, the chance of success in IVF treatment decreases.