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Are There Any Risks to Vaginal Aesthetics?

Vaginal aesthetic operations; No matter how successful and flawless they are, they are ultimately performed as surgery. For this reason, surgery carries certain risks.

First of all, it should be kept in mind that, especially in vaginal aesthetic surgeries, a specialist and experienced doctor should be preferred.

Keeping the risks of vaginal surgeries to a minimum depends on the patient's compliance with post-operative care and recommendations.

The better the patient's attention and care in the post-operative period and the more he/she pays attention to the doctor's recommendations and check-ups, the less risk there will be of experiencing any problems in the post-operative period.

When vaginal aesthetics are performed by successful specialists, the risk is quite low. However, in general, the risks that may arise are:

  • bleeding,

  • risk of infection,

  • intestinal injuries,

  • Pain during sexual intercourse due to excessive narrowing of the vagina,

  • risks such as dissatisfaction after surgery.

Dissatisfaction with the image after surgery is always a risk. This applies to every cosmetic surgery, but technological opportunities have reduced this risk. Patients can see the post-operative image on the computer before surgery and have an idea if they wish.

It should not be forgotten that there is a certain risk rate specific to every surgical procedure performed. Risks in such surgeries or situations such as being dissatisfied with the appearance after surgery are experienced to a minimum by experienced and successful surgeons.

However, before undergoing surgery, the patient must be properly informed about the risks he or she may encounter and what to expect from the surgery.

The most common vaginal aesthetic surgeries are:

  • Labiaplasty: Aesthetics of the inner lips,

  • Correction of the clitoris mound,

  • Vaginoplasty: Vaginal tightening surgery

  • Perineoplasty: correction of the birth incision

  • It is the stitching of the hymen.

What are the risks of vaginal tightening surgery?

There is little to no risk in surgeries performed to tighten the vagina. However, in order to keep these risks to a minimum, the surgeon must be an expert in the field, experienced, and have references to support his success.

If vaginal aesthetics are performed by people who are not experts in the field, the possibility of risks increases. However, aesthetic operations performed by expert surgeons, especially vaginal tightening operations, are usually quite successful operations.

However, like any surgery, vaginal tightening surgery also has risks.

These risks are:

  • bleeding,

  • infection,

  • intestinal injuries,

  • risks such as pain during sexual intercourse.

What are the risks of labiaplasty surgery?

Labiaplasty is an aesthetic surgery of the inner lips. When performed by reliable surgeons, this surgery has no serious risks other than the risks of bleeding and infection specific to the surgery.

Regular dressing changes minimize the risk of infection and shorten the healing process of wounds.

What you need to know about vaginal aesthetics and its risks

Vaginal aesthetic surgeries are serious surgeries. The high success rates are due to the fact that surgeries in this area are performed by certain surgeons. These surgeries should be performed by expert and experienced surgeons. Otherwise, permanent problems may occur. These problems are genital injuries and problems that may occur during sexual intercourse.

Vaginal aesthetics are operations that require anatomical knowledge, experience and references. It can be quite dangerous to apply for vaginal aesthetics to a surgeon who cannot afford these.

Surgeries have their own risks, such as bleeding, infection, bleeding into the tissue (hematoma) and stitches coming loose.

Surgery can cause psychological problems in people who undergo this surgery under pressure. Therefore, the person should decide on surgery with their own free will.

After choosing a suitable doctor, the hygiene, technological equipment and reliability of the center should be prioritized.

Before having surgery, ask the surgeon how experienced he is in this field and ask him to show you "before and after" pictures of the vaginal surgeries he has performed.

What are the risks of vaginal rejuvenation surgery?

Vaginal rejuvenation operations should be performed by surgeons who are experts and experienced in their field.

Apart from this, there are also risks specific to surgery. These risks are bleeding and infection. However, in experienced hands, these risks are kept to a minimum.

What are the risks of Vulvoplasty Surgery?

Vulvoplasty is performed for outer labia aesthetics. The risks of this surgery are also specific to the surgery. These risks may increase or decrease with the experience of the surgeon.

Why is vaginal aesthetics performed?

It can be applied to women due to the stretching or expansion that occurs in the vagina after giving birth. In some women, if the congenital asymmetry of the labia minora is different from each other, an aesthetic operation can be performed.

If the outer lips are quite large, surgery may be performed.

If there are problems in sexual intercourse due to difficult births and incisions made outside the vagina, cosmetic surgery can be performed.

If there is sagging in the last areas of the bladder and rectum before the anus, sexual function problems and urinary incontinence problems may occur. Therefore, uterine sagging may occur. Due to such problems, aesthetic surgery can be applied to the vagina.

Why do disorders occur in the vaginal area?

  • Due to traumas

  • Due to genetic factors

  • Due to having given birth multiple times

  • Due to advancing age

  • Due to tears that occur during birth.

Why is vaginal aesthetic surgery necessary?

  • Faulty stitches after birth

  • Deterioration of the vaginal structure due to advancing age

  • Giving birth to an overweight baby

  • Frequent masturbation

  • Frequency of sexual intercourse

  • Congenital vaginal deformities

Who can undergo vaginal aesthetics?

  • In deformation and tear problems,

  • Problems in getting pleasure from sexual intercourse,

  • In aesthetic concerns

  • Because the inner or outer lips are large,

  • It can be applied to women who have complaints about the pubis being too prominent.

  • For vaginal aesthetic surgeries, it is sufficient to be over the age of 18. Vaginal aesthetic surgery can be performed on women between the ages of 18-65.


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