What are the changes in the baby in the 23rd week of pregnancy?
This week, the proportional disorder observed in your baby's body is gradually returning to normal, but your baby's head is slightly larger than his/her body. The hearing center in your baby's middle ear continues to develop rapidly this week. You can start talking to your baby this week and tell him/her about the outside world, and your baby will feel it. When you are happy, he/she will be happy and your feelings will be reflected in him/her. During this period, your baby has also started to move.
What is the baby's height and weight in the 23rd week of pregnancy?
By the end of this week, your baby will be approximately 31 cm long depending on your regular feeding and will weigh an average of 550 grams. The values we mentioned are approximate and average values, these values may vary from baby to baby because your baby may be affected by many genetic and environmental factors.
What Does Your Baby's Ultrasound Look Like in the 23rd Week of Pregnancy?
Your baby's body is starting to take shape. His movements have increased. However, as his weight has increased, his range of motion has narrowed.
What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 23rd week of pregnancy?
Starting from this week, you can even follow the movements in your belly as your baby's movements increase. During this period, babies often repeat actions such as kicking and punching, they do not stay still in your belly and constantly change places. During this period, you may not have easy days due to sudden pains in your belly. It is thought that these pains are caused by the stretching of the uterine ligaments. Because your uterus develops and grows faster than the uterine ligaments, which causes the ligaments to stretch too much. During this period, you may be uncomfortable with your appearance, but remember that you are enduring this for your part. You need to pay close attention to your psychology, your baby feels whatever you feel. You also need to pay attention to your diet, you should consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. You should stay away from smoking, if you have an alcohol habit, you should give it up.
Advice for Fathers-to-Be in the 23rd Week of Pregnancy
During this period, your spouse may be emotional, you should tell him/her that he/she is very valuable to you and that you love him/her under all circumstances, regardless of his/her weight. You should tell him/her not to lift heavy objects as he/she will have a lot of back pain. You should do the housework when necessary.