What are the changes in the baby in the 12th week of pregnancy?
The most important change that occurs in the baby during this period is that all of its organs are now complete. Keratinous structures such as hair and nails have begun to form. Digestive processes also begin to form this week. During this period, babies have a very active structure and perform mouth opening and closing operations. Babies also begin to suck their fingers during this time.
What is the Baby's Length and Weight in the 12th Week of Pregnancy?
In the 12th week, the average baby length is 8 cm and the average weight is 14 grams.
What Does Your Baby's Ultrasound Look Like in the 12th Week of Pregnancy?
You may also be interested in the fact that babies make movements that you may find quite strange on an ultrasound while certain tests are being performed, but these movements are possible behaviors that are expected from them at this stage.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 12th week of pregnancy?
When you reach the 12th week, you start to see yourself as a complete pregnant woman. You feel that your pregnancy is progressing very quickly. Because your belly has started to grow. These changes, which are very exciting, may make you impatient and want to meet your baby as soon as possible, but remember that it is not that easy to bring a new life into the world. During this period, significant changes are observed in both the mother and the child. First of all, the problem of frequent urination, which expectant mothers have been complaining about since the very beginning of pregnancy, gradually begins to disappear. Because the pressure on the bladder gradually begins to disappear. Your vomiting gradually decreases and weakness, fatigue and fatigue problems also begin to decrease. Unfortunately, one of the important disadvantages of this period is the possibility of severe headaches. The reason for this is related to the increase in blood volume. This period is good news for expectant mothers who have migraines, because it has been observed that most expectant mothers' migraines end during this period. One of the changes that occur in mothers during this period is the beautification of their faces or, on the contrary, the deterioration of their skin due to increased acne and similar reasons. Although the reason for this is completely related to hormone levels, it is interpreted among the public as "a girl child takes the beauty of her mother". Such changes are quite normal and are caused by hormonal changes.
Advice for Fathers-to-Be in the 12th Week of Pregnancy
While your baby is growing and developing and you are gradually changing, it is not expected that your spouse will remain the same. One of the biggest tasks for candidates who are experiencing the excitement of becoming fathers is to keep their motivation high. Although they cannot physically put themselves in their shoes, they should think that they are in their shoes mentally and should never lack support from their spouses by constantly empathizing with them.